Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Girl Talk: A new year, a new career and maybe a new guy?........

Girl Talk: A new year, a new career and maybe a new guy?........: Tweet Okay girls so we are starting off a new year in just a few days. With this in mind, I am writing about myself. I am looking forward...

A new year, a new career and maybe a new guy?.........I can't wait to see what happens!!!

Okay girls so we are starting off a new year in just a few days. With this in mind, I am writing about myself.  I am looking forward to my new career I am embarking on.  I am looking forward to many good times with my children who are the most important people in my life.  I am looking forward to getting to a goal weight and I am also looking forward to a new guy.  I am anticipating meeting someone special who will shower me with attention, love me for my inner self and be a great best friend. I am wanting to share my great journey I am about to embark on with this special person. I can't wait to meet him.  I do have a temporary guy to keep my company until my Mr. Big shows up. To those of you who do not know Mr. Big, he is the guy Carrie dates throughout the Sex in the City shows, only to marry him in the first movie. With this being said, I believe 2012 is going to be my best year yet. I have had challenges this year but am struggling through them with my head held high. I have actually learned more about me than I ever knew before. For this I am most thankful. I realized I am strong enough to walk away from unhealthy friendships, crazy people and even family members.  I have truly grown stronger. I have a couple of new people in my life that I am so thankful for, Pops and Christy. So I am truly finishing up with a big bang.  I truly hope for the best with each and everyone of you. 



Sunday, December 4, 2011

Girl Talk: WHAT A GIRL WANTS........AND IT'S NOT GAMES!!!!!!!...

Girl Talk: WHAT A GIRL WANTS........AND IT'S NOT GAMES!!!!!!!...: Tweet So we girls all know we want someone to be open, honest and willing to man up to feelings. Why do both men and women feel inclined t...


So we girls all know we want someone to be open, honest and willing to man up to feelings.  Why do both men and women feel inclined to play games????   I personally think it shows a sign of being immature.  Why play games when you could be enjoying each other.  Life is too short to miss out on the fun stuff.  I do not want to waste my time figuring out my next move to combat his last move.  I want to spend my life with someone who would rather spend time with me doing the things we both love to do rather than trying to plot the next chess game move.  Why exhort so much energy into dating when you can be experiencing each others world ?   If there is a guy out there that can man up and be mature in an adult relationship,  email me.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Girl Talk: Do you really need me to go there???????

Girl Talk: Do you really need me to go there???????: Tweet You think I am all about dating you. I am all about taking care of me. I have lived without you for a very long time. I am not int...

Do you really need me to go there???????

You think I am all about dating you.  I am all about taking care of me. I have lived without you for a very long time.  I am not interested in going out with you. If you were the last man on earth, I'd think twice about it even then.  The arrogance of feeling "pressured to date me" is unbelievable.  What makes you think you are the center of my world?   I told you a couple weeks ago, I'd never date you.  I will tell you again.  Any chance you had to date me is long gone.  I'm done!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Girl Talk: How do you describe a friend???????...our definiti...

Girl Talk: How do you describe a friend???????...our definiti...: Tweet When I am your friend, I will fight to the end for you. I give unconditionally, I support, I love and I endure all for our relatio...

How do you describe a friend???????...our definitions are totally different!!!!!!!

  1. When I am your friend,  I will fight to the end for you.  I give unconditionally, I support, I love and I endure all for our relationship.  I enjoy hanging out with my friends,  cooking, eating, drinking, and other fun stuff.  I am not jealous of their success and I share all with them, and I will defend them to the utter end.   I have some of the best friends in the world.  Unfortunately most of them live in Florida or out of the Country.  I am learning the friends that I have had for years are the most loyal.  I have only been hurt by "best friends" I have just acquired recently.  So I am going to make a new years resolution early.  It is time I am good to me!!!!  I do not need hanger on's, nor do I want fake people in my life.  I am going to give as good as I receive. So if your wanting to be my friend,  please check your insecurities, jealousy, and ulterior motives at the door.  I don't need them and I certainly do not want the drama in my life.  I am so tired of dealing with these issues on a daily basis.  Who can you trust?  I can trust my friends who have been with me through thick and thin.  You all know who you are and I love you all so much.   I will not allow these people to hurt me ever again.   I stand on my own two feet and don't want anything from anybody.  I am a survivor.  I will succeed with or without you.

          Happy Thanksgiving to my true friends
          I raise my glass to you!  Cheers! 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Girl Talk: Distant??? Running Scared? I think your emotional...

Girl Talk: Distant??? Running Scared? I think your emotional...: Tweet So why is it, some guys and even some girls talk a good game about wanting to be in a committed relationship, however when it comes ...

Distant??? Running Scared? I think your emotionally unavailable.........

So why is it, some guys and even some girls talk a good game about wanting to be in a committed relationship, however when it comes down to it, they run, avoid, or deny what their feeling inside?????  I mean come on, if your wanting to have that special someone,  why not work on why your running?  If it was a past marriage or relationship,  find out how to move on from those issues and get on with a new life.  Don't let life pass you by and lose the chance of a potential great relationship.  Often we sabotage a new person in our lives before we ever give the relationship a chance.  How fair are we really being to ourselves?????
I am going to try to work on my running and try to give a fair shot at someone that just might end up being incredible.  How can you know for sure unless you give some time to this person and get to know them by spending time together without analyzing the relationship before it ever gets started?



Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Girl Talk: ARE WE REALLY ACTING LIKE WE'RE IN HIGH SCHOOL????...: Tweet GIRL TALK It seems like some people cannot get over high school. Do we really need to keep drama stirred up? Do you really need t...


GIRL TALKIt seems like some people cannot get over high school.  Do we really need to keep drama stirred up?  Do you really need that much control in your life?  Are you really that miserable?  Do you really think my life revolves around you?  These are questions that we should ask on a daily basis of our friends.  What do you want from me?  What do you bring to the relationship?  How much can I trust you?  Are you who you say you are?  Why do you lie to me?  I don't need you,  I don't want you, I don't love you.  I exist for my children and that is what is important to me.  I love me, I like me,  I think I am pretty neat.  I don't care what you think. I thought I could trust you, the biggest lie was about you not me at all.


Girl Talk: MY SEX DRIVE IS CRAZY.....HOW BOUT YOURS?: Tweet HER TALK Okay girls, we are in our forties, our children are on their way to college or already out the door. I cannot stop feeli...


Girl Talk: MY SEX DRIVE IS CRAZY.....HOW BOUT YOURS?: Tweet HER TALK Okay girls, we are in our forties, our children are on their way to college or already out the door. I cannot stop feeli...



Okay girls, we are in our forties, our children are on their way to college or already out the door. I cannot stop feeling frisky day and night. I mean come on girls, we didn't know how to have sex in our twenties,  we started learning in our thirties and now by our forties, we know how to be satisfied and can't seem to get enough.  Why do you think women get their sex drives during peri-menopause and men get theirs in teenage years?   God really does have a sense of humor.  I could never date a twenty year old but I do understand why some women become cougars.  Having  that special person to share my bed with that enjoys learning each others body  and learning  how to  maximize the intensiveness of being intimate.  So women let's enjoy our sexuality and explore with our partners.  Let us be passionate lovers so we in return will get the orgasms we so deserve.


Maybe my get up and go has got up and went, but my desire SHORE ain't.  Damn, I like it, I want it but it takes a hell of a lot out of my system. I  got an IV rack next to my bed and I'm eating Viagra like M &M's.  I may be slow getting to the station but I'm  packing my luggage when I get there.  I can still crow with the best of them but it takes some effort.  What I'm trying to say fellows, don't miss out on the fun, get down to the yore local herb store or trading post and gas up on the vitamins.  Viagra is great but your motor has got to be running for it to work.  GIRL TALKGIRL TALK HER TALK, HIS TALK

Monday, November 14, 2011

Women in the Kitchen all the time???? Not Hardly......

Men expect us to stay in the kitchen cooking, especially during the Holiday's.  Why can't you all share in the responsibilities.  I mean, come on guys, I am an old fashioned yet modern girl.  I want to watch football, the Macy's parade and relax.  If I am the only one cooking, how is that fair?  You expect us to cook, clean, and be ready for sex at anytime.  Women now work long hours and often bring in as much if not more money than you men. We want to have some down time as well.  I mean come on, can't you help us at least some of the time.  If you offered to help us in anyway, we would be so grateful, the sex would be amazing afterwards.  So let us all be thankful for God, each other, our families and all the blessings God has poured over us.   Men, offer to pitch in this year,  the rewards will be immense!!!!   

I am so thankful to all my followers and to the people who are buying and enjoying my book.

Cheers!!!!! Girl Talk

Saturday, November 12, 2011

WE GIRLS WANT IT ALL......will run quickly if necessary

We girls want the storybook ending.  We want the attentive guy who is great with our kids, loves spending time with us, is passionate, loving and outgoing.  We want to please, pamper, and spend our time just being happy with this person.  I myself want to share everything and include in all parts of my family and career.  However, when we sense we're going to get hurt,  what do we do, or shall I say what I do,  run, run, as fast as you can.  You turn to someone else for a temporary easement.  Of course you eventually run from that relationship too as your really in love with the other person.  It's like a hamster on a spinning wheel, you just keep spinning and hope one day the craziness will stop.  I have someone that wants to marry me.  I am not in love with that person even though I am extremely attracted to him.  He isn't the guy for me.  He would be easy to be with except he travels 10 months out of the year. This is our second series of dating each other and of course it is me that will hurt him again. At least this time will be sooner rather than later.  I just want to find that person that feels the same way I do about them, a simple person that will be here every night.  I am stepping off the treadmill of dating,  I am going to stop running and just try to enjoy being single for a while.  I really have been single for 11 years as you all know about my last relationship, however this time I am going to discover who I really am.  I want to hike my property, ride a horse, keep writing, plant herbs, wade in the creek and paint.  I want to embrace my kids with all that I have within me.  I want to watch them become adults and help guide them through this unfair life.  I want to love me even though I am "out there".  So girls, I am off the dating treadmill.  If someone comes along that I want to go out with, I will, however, I am not going to actively look for "him".  Does the storybook ending really ever happen?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Girl Talk: Player?????.......How old are you really?????????

Girl Talk: Player?????.......How old are you really?????????: Tweet So we are all in our forties and we are all less than perfect. We all age and we all go through menopause and everything else so wh...

Player?????.......How old are you really?????????

So we are all in our forties and we are all less than perfect. We all age and we all go through menopause and everything else so why do men our age think it's actually attractive to be a player. Come on, are we really so desperate for attention that we run around and chase anything that is out there? Where is our self esteem? Most men get tired of hearing other men friends are bragging about their conquest, the photos they have of all these girls on their phones,and always making up stories of their flandering. Married men actually are happy they aren't living like that. Most married men love coming home to their wives, knowing they have their best friend waiting on them. I personally cannot wait to find the right person to spend the rest of my life with. A player is not what I am interested in. A man who is secure with himself and can't wait to be with me and only me is what I am wanting. I also don't want to be intimate with someome that has slept with every single girl in town. Everybody wants what everybody has, but nobody wants what everybody else has HAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Girl Talk: Are Italian men better lovers???????????

Girl Talk: Are Italian men better lovers???????????

Girl Talk: Are Italian men better lovers???????????

Girl Talk: Are Italian men better lovers???????????: Tweet I always feel so good when I am around my Italian men friends. They are so passionate and attentive to me. My friend Ivan never fa...

Are Italian men better lovers???????????

I always feel so good when I am around my Italian men friends. They are so passionate and attentive to me. My friend Ivan never fails to look me in the eyes and when he speaks to me, it's like no one else is in the room. I love it when he says "Bella darling, your so beautiful". At that point he has me hook, line and sinker. Why are Italian men so different than American men? Why do they get what we women want and need? Maybe their mothers instilled into them the importance of making a woman feel ultra sexy, lovable and beautiful. With Italian men, they touch every part of your body with extreme passion. Why is this and how do we get all men to act this way? I personally love the attention.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Girl Talk: Angry at Bedtime......Are you Serious??????

Girl Talk: Anrgy at Bedtime......Are you Serious??????: Tweet She said: I detest going to bed angry with my partner. I like cuddling and sleeping too much to be mad when I retire for the eve...

Angry at Bedtime......Are you Serious??????

She said:

I detest going to bed angry with my partner. I like cuddling and sleeping too much to be mad when I retire for the evening. I say we settle our differences before the bewitching hour. Why not go ahead and get it all out, get over the argument and move on. I myself am a lover not a fighter. When you fall asleep and words are left unspoken, forgiveness hasn't been created and you both are in an irate mood, a wall between the two of you goes up and the next day starts off in a terrible way. Get it all out, apologize, and love each other. Life would be much happier for all couples.

He Said:

We've all done it, we'll add do it again but why do this? It's not any different than drinking or driving. The punishment maybe different but the results can be the same. This could destroy your life. Unresolved arguments are usually more painful to one person more so than the other. Like an untreated wound, this could fester and spread the infection deeper into the relationship. Issues that are serious enough to fight about must be dealt with at some point so the tension can be relieved. There maybe loose ends to wrap up and a final resolution maybe not be reached, however, you must end the evening on a more amicable note. Allowing your partner to go to sleep mad or upset, may cause them to become physically sick, stressed to the point of doing something irrational or even causing them to have an accident. Remember stress affects people differently and what may be of no consequence to one partner could be absolutely crippling to the other.

Now is the time to deal with the issue and come to happy medium. Think enough of your partner to give them peace. Love and embrace your partner and do not allow them to go to bed upset.

Think about partner!!! Just Think!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Girl Talk: Losing sexual appetite after it a de...

Girl Talk: Losing sexual appetite after it a de...: Tweet I think it is a deal breaker. Women need sex, we need it for our bodies, for our mind and we certainly need the orgasmic release. ...

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Girl Talk: Smile!!!!! I feel so happy

Girl Talk: Smile!!!!! I feel so happy: Tweet I've met someone that I like alot, everyone please pre-order my book tomorrow. Books go on sale tomorrow for a pre-order. The fi...

Smile!!!!! I feel so happy

I've met someone that I like alot, everyone please pre-order my book tomorrow. Books go on sale tomorrow for a pre-order. The first 5000 will be autographed. Please buy!!!!! I'll be back tomorrow, date tonight!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Girl Talk: Losing sexual appetite after it a deal breaker???????

Girl Talk: Losing sexual appetite after it a deal breaker???????

Why does the sex end when you get married????????

I feel the need to elaborate on last nights discussion. After futher consideration of all the facts, I must revisit my answer. If I am madly in love with my guy, I will stand by with ay health issues he might have. As long as we have communication about what's going on, I will be there for him. There are many other ways to have intimacy when Intercourse isn't possible because of health issues. We women love being touched, kissed and cuddled. A deal breaker is not the answer if I am crazy over the moon for my guy and he feels the same for me. I am loyal to a fault to whomever I am in love with. Yes I love sex better than most, however, I am also a realist and romantic. I won't leave him if he can't help a situation and I expect the same consideration.

Girl Talk: Losing sexual appetite after it a de...

Girl Talk: Losing sexual appetite after it a de...: Tweet I think it is a deal breaker. Women need sex, we need it for our bodies, for our mind and we certainly need the orgasmic release. ...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Losing sexual appetite after it a deal breaker???????

I think it is a deal breaker. Women need sex, we need it for our bodies, for our mind and we certainly need the orgasmic release. I personally want to be intimate with my partner. There is nothing better than a great intimate relationship. The only reason I could think of holding out and not giving my husband sex is because he was being an insensitive jerk. Even then, I really need my orgasms. If I were being emotionally or physically abused, I would not want to be having sex with my husband. I am at the age to let my spouse or dating partner know what I do like and what I don't like. I want to have the best sex and what better way to be frisky than to tell your partner what pleases you and what doesn't. If a woman is holding out, there is a reason for it. We women want and need Sex, Imtimacy and the cuddling after. Bring on the Orgasms baby!!!! The answer to your question, yes no sex is a deal breaker!!!!!!!! There is nothing better than hot sex in the elevator with your guy, standing up, hardly able to contain yourselves, pulling your skirt up, getting frisky, being intimate, being naughty. That's what we women want!!!!!!

He said:

We all know the same stuff tends to get old or familiar, but we are talking about sex and marriage here. We change our wardrobe, our cars and we remodel our homes, but we often do not make changes in our sex lives. We fell in love and married each other, we committed to spend our lives together, so why do we not invest in our sex lives like we invest in everything else. This doesn't mean we have to completely change our style, but it may mean we have to operate slightly our of our comfort zone to spice things up or break the routine. We need to fix our medical issues, get couseling or take a pill. Elimate the stress out of our lives. Trust and believe if the house is on fire and you don't call the fire department, the house will burn down. Don't let your sex life whither and die or your marriage may die alone with it. Yes losing sex after marriage is a deal breaker.

Girl Talk: Love Letters from..............a psychopath

Girl Talk: Love Letters from..............a psychopath: Tweet I was married for many years to a man who traveled alot. While he was traveling, he wrote me the most beautiful often sexual letters...

Love Letters from..............a psychopath

I was married for many years to a man who traveled alot. While he was traveling, he wrote me the most beautiful often sexual letters. During the ten years we were together, we never had sex once. He prefered a different taste so to speak. I was a size 8 at 5'8, that wasn't small enough for him. He needed me to be a size zero to be intimate with, or so he said. Well, I was unpacking the other day and came across some of the letters he wrote to me. Many people have asked how I could have been so off key with his sexuality. I am going to reveal just how he got me to believe he was into me. So here goes, enjoy. I did for a while, the letters now make me sick to my stomach.

Love is a word used so often, about so many things, and yet real love remains a mystery. If someone asked me how I love you, a thousand thoughts would rush through my are kind and thoughtful, giving and understanding, and so very much more.....yet words will never capture how beautiful your spirit is, how compassionate your heart is, so when I tell you I love you, it's my simple way of saying that it makes me happy beyond words to be sharing the mystery of love with you.....

then he write,

Hey my sweet baby, well this week is a much better one. The news from you is so exciting. Your calls, I want you so much baby. I know last week was tough honey, but I pray daily that he gives you the strength of spirit and blesses you. I know how strong you are when you put your mind into it, so I know with the Lords and my love, we can get through anything. You are absolutely the best most loving person I know. I can't wait to get home and make made passionate love to you. I dream and think about you constantly, but you know its not always about sex, its often about everyday things. You are such a big part of my life. As long as we love each other and communicate, we'll be able to deal with the conflicts that come up. I don't want to ever fight but I know things will come up. Hopefully we can talk calmly with each other always showing respect. I want to spend as much time together as we can with each other, to learn each other, I want to marry you, but not because of lust. Because we are truly matched and want to be together, do you understand honey. I want to know you and be comfortable with you in the physical sense. I want to make sure we fit on an everyday basis. I know our love making will be fantastic. Ok sweet love, I will only marry once in my life and I have to know its right, I love you and we will both know when to make it happen. I truly look forward to it. I miss you, I want you, I love you!!!

Well friends, please tell me what you think. Would you have fallen for the lies as I did, or would you have seen through the "getting to know each other better"

Monday, October 3, 2011


Girl Talk: Girl Talk: YOU MIGHT BE A BILLIONAIRE AND I MIGHT ...: Girl Talk: YOU MIGHT BE A BILLIONAIRE AND I MIGHT DATE YOU IF... : You lose the Gucci loafers You stop trying to hit on waitresses when w...

Girl Talk: twiddle dee twiddle dumb, this friendship is makin...

Girl Talk: twiddle dee twiddle dumb, this friendship is makin...: I've given you knowledge to grow yourself into a successful person I've given you freedom to be secure in your finances I've given you a C...

twiddle dee twiddle dumb, this friendship is making me numb

I've given you knowledge to grow yourself into a successful person
I've given you freedom to be secure in your finances
I've given you a Career path to enlarge and Capatilize on
I've given you a sense of relief
I've given you time
I've given you unconditional respect
I've given you the choice to be you in anyway, shape or form
I've given you a boost to your self esteem
I've given you what you've wanted second to more time with your children
I've given you understanding

When I asked for you to show me a certain Lake the other day, you made yourself very clear with your answer......"I'll show you how to get there but you don't need me to take you, it's only two turns"

So to you I say when you need something from me, I"ll show you where to go, but I won't be there to help you get it.

I haven't required much from this friendship but you have proved, it hasn't been a friendship at all, only an opportunity!!! This Sweetpea makes me numb!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Girl Talk: GET OVER YOURSELF, WHO CARES IF I HAVEN'T FIGURED ...: Tweet I am independent, healthy, and kind. Who cares if I haven't figured out guy number one. This doesn't mean I am not ready to date, ...


I am independent, healthy, and kind. Who cares if I haven't figured out guy number one. This doesn't mean I am not ready to date, it means I am trying to figure it all out. Maybe I will meet Mr. Right along the way. Maybe I won't resolve what's going on with guy number one. Maybe, Maybe, Maybe. These are all part of an a process in my learning about myself. Maybe guy number one isn't interested in me. Maybe after meeting someone new, I realize guy number one isn't anything but a friend. I don't know the answers to these questions. I do know I am dating occasionally. I do not like dating very much! How do you find out who you like if you don't go through this process. Why do we have to put limitations on each other. Why can't you just let me be me and work my way through this. Why does it have to be black or white? I live in a gray area. I like gray, in fact, I love gray. Why do I have to decide right now who is right for me. Can't I just breathe a little and enjoy the ride?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Girl Talk: Private Jet, hot guy, champagne..........Happy????...

Girl Talk: Private Jet, hot guy, champagne..........Happy????...: Tweet So a night with a great friend who is so very good looking, riding off in his private jet, drinking champagne until the sun comes up...

Girl Talk: Private Jet, hot guy, champagne..........Happy????...

Girl Talk: Private Jet, hot guy, champagne..........Happy????...: Tweet So a night with a great friend who is so very good looking, riding off in his private jet, drinking champagne until the sun comes up...

Private Jet, hot guy, champagne..........Happy????

So a night with a great friend who is so very good looking, riding off in his private jet, drinking champagne until the sun comes up. I'm really happy right? Well no actually, I spent the whole night with my head in his lap crying over someone else and circumstances that were heartbreaking. My thoughts were not remotely into my surroundings.

I love you so much friend that your able to comfort me and not judge. I am sorry that you have to watch me fall apart over someone else, I know I'm not being fair to you. I could search the world over and never find a friend as good as you are to me.

Is it fair to put a friend in this situation? Do we use or abuse the friendships? Or do we just think only of ourselves. This friend has picked me up off a bathroom floor after spending an entire two days laying there, throwing up over my ex. He comes when I call, he loves unconditionally. He is the greatest.

I cannot do anything for him that he doesn't have already. The only thing that brings joy to him from me is our fishing trips. I keep him entertained with my out of control laughing when we drink. He always says I am the only female he has seen fish in stilettos. Actually that was only once while on a trip. We had been out drinking way too much, and when we returned, fishing was what I wanted to do. He accomodated me with incredible patience. So thank you for coming to my beacon call. Your the greatest. I want to be grounded in one place, work, and retire. I have no desire to travel the world. I want to have a tree house and garden. I am so thankful to you for everything and yes here we go again with all these crazy emotional ups and downs.

My friends are so envious of my night with you, if only they knew how terrible boring and emotional our night really was.

I do know this won't be the last time I call you in distress, nor will this be the last time we have fun together. I am thankful for you my friend, I adore you and look forward to a fun time next outing.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Girl Talk: SIX INCH STILETTOS AND NAKED? IS THIS WHAT MEN LI...: Tweet SIX INCH STILETTOS AND NAKED? IS THIS WHAT MEN LIKE? So your out with your guy, your dressed up with 6" Stilettos, you look and feel...


Girl Talk: SIX INCH STILETTOS AND NAKED? IS THIS WHAT MEN LI...: Tweet SIX INCH STILETTOS AND NAKED? IS THIS WHAT MEN LIKE? So your out with your guy, your dressed up with 6" Stilettos, you look and feel...


So your out with your guy, your dressed up with 6" Stilettos, you look and feel very sexy. You see him loving the look. When you get home that night, you undress ready for sex, do you keep on the heels or not? I prefer to keep them on as nothing is sexier than a pair of super high heels. Do you hear me girls? Of course you know heels make your


Girl Talk: SIX INCH STILETTOS AND NAKED? IS THIS WHAT MEN LI...: Tweet SIX INCH STILETTOS AND NAKED? IS THIS WHAT MEN LIKE? So your out with your guy, your dressed up with 6" Stilettos, you look and feel...


So your out with your guy, your dressed up with 6" Stilettos, you look and feel very sexy. You see him loving the look. When you get home that night, you undress ready for sex, do you keep on the heels or not? I prefer to keep them on as nothing is sexier than a pair of super high heels. Do you hear me girls? Of course you know heels make your

Monday, September 12, 2011

Girl Talk: We've had two dates, do I break my rule and go for a third? Am I really that interested?

Girl Talk: We've had two dates, do I break my rule and go for a third? Am I really that interested?

Girl Talk: We've had two dates, do I break my rule and go fo...

Girl Talk: We've had two dates, do I break my rule and go fo...: Okay, we've had our second date and it went pretty good. Do I break my rule and go out with you a third time? You followed my guidelines p...

We've had two dates, do I break my rule and go for a third? Am I really that interested?

Okay, we've had our second date and it went pretty good. Do I break my rule and go out with you a third time? You followed my guidelines pretty well, must be reading my blog. I can't decide if I like you or not, there's a maybe. I just not sure the rule should be broken, I mean you didn't knock me off my feet, you didn't make me weak. However, your a great kisser and you slow dance very good. You didn't brag about your money or your career. You acted really interested in what I had to say. What to do? Do I say yes and lead you on, or do I say no and wonder what might have happened?

This is the part in dating that drives me freaking crazy. I'm not sure if I could be into you, however I didn't have a bad time. I did let you kiss me which is rare. Your attractive and kind. Your a very nice man. I believe women look for that wow factor when going out, we just want to be knocked off our feet. I feel like you'll know right away if your really interested. Do you settle for comfortable and safe or do you hold out for passionate and hot? I guess maybe I am looking for a bit of both. I want Comfortable, safe, passionate and hot. So I guess what I'm saying is, no I'm not going to break my rule. Thanks for Dinner and dancing, I just don't want to lead you on.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Girl Talk: Baby I'm amazed, how can you make me weak in my kn...

Girl Talk: Baby I'm amazed, how can you make me weak in my kn...: My heart beats fast when I see your face Why do you come around this place? You tie my tongue in knots your calling all the shots You s...

Baby I'm amazed, how can you make me weak in my knees?

My heart beats fast when I see your face
Why do you come around this place?
You tie my tongue in knots
your calling all the shots

You say were just friends
why must you always pretend
you don't feel the same way
when you know you want to stay

You make me weak in my knees
you pretend you don't see
pushing back the feelings when you know
your just putting on a show

Its always so easy for you to pretend
our personalities will never blend
when you know in your heart
we adored each other from the start

Just give up your macho act
let's make a pact
to let our relationship grow
I promise to take it slow

Friday, September 9, 2011

Girl Talk: Billionaires response

Girl Talk: Billionaires response: Ker, This is how I feel about you! We have known each other for a very long time and spent lots of time together. Maybe you need someone...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Billionaires response


This is how I feel about you! We have known each other for a very long time and spent lots of time together. Maybe you need someone that can take care of you, you should just shop and travel. Your my best friend that's a girl. I miss our good times even though we have only been friends. You should really think about what I said. I can work on your list of behaviors I annoy you with. I miss you!!

I know this is one of your favorite songs, everytime I hear it, I think of you. I hope you enjoy the CD I sent you a few weeks ago.

I can feel your body
When I'm lying in bed
There's too much confusion
Going around through my head

And it makes me so angry
To know that the flame still burns
Why can't I get over?
When will I ever learn?

Old love, leave me alone
Old love, go on home

I can see your face
But I know that it's not real
It's just an illusion
Caused by how I used to feel

And it makes me so angry
To know that the flame will always burn
I'll never get over
I know now that I'll never learn

Eric Clapton
Old Love


Girl Talk: YOU MIGHT BE A BILLIONAIRE AND I MIGHT DATE YOU IF...: You lose the Gucci loafers You stop trying to hit on waitresses when we're out to dinner You stop meddling in my friendships You st...


You lose the Gucci loafers

You stop trying to hit on waitresses when we're out to dinner

You stop meddling in my friendships

You stop looking in the mirror every 5 minutes

You break up with all 7 girls you have in different Countries

You stop trying to buy my affection

You stop overdosing on Viagra trying to keep up with all the women your juggling

You stop climbing in my bedroom window late at night when I turn you down

You stop asking me out everyday

You grow up

You lose the mustache, its so not you

You start spending time with your kids

You stop trying to control me

You stop emailing my friends to find out information about me

Wednesday, September 7, 2011






Girl Talk: BEST FRIENDS WITH AN FBI AGENT, THAT'S WHAT OUR RE...: Tweet Every nice gesture I do for my friend is always being questioned. Everytime I vary from my normal schedule I am questioned. I feel...


Every nice gesture I do for my friend is always being questioned. Everytime I vary from my normal schedule I am questioned. I feel like my best friend is an FBI agent. I swear, I cannot have peace at all. I give up as I cannot do anything right in his eyes. Always ulterior motives are suspected as if I say something nice or do something kind, I am expecting a marriage proposal. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I am worn out! I can no longer take it. I am always on pins and needles. Maybe I should just stay to myself in the future and be secluded. Who are you Nancy Drew?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Girl Talk: I called you a Jackass cause your so stubborn!!!!

Girl Talk: I called you a Jackass cause your so stubborn!!!!: On Sunday, me and Buddy had a HUGE fight. I was insensitive to his needs, however, he was so curious about where I was it became an all out ...

I called you a Jackass cause your so stubborn!!!!

On Sunday, me and Buddy had a HUGE fight. I was insensitive to his needs, however, he was so curious about where I was it became an all out fight. So we know that Buddy and I aren't dating and never have been. What rights do we have to intrude into each others lives? Am I allowed to ask who he is dating? Is he allowed to know where I am? Why are we so jealous of each others private lives? I find myself getting extremely angry at the thought of him dating someone else. He gets jealous of my dating, even though he would never admit to it. When we don't talk, I miss him. I really don't mind letting him know where I am because he is such a big part of my life. I just don't like being questioned as if I am at the police station being drilled by a detective. So my question is what are we to each other, and what limits are there on our friendship? So I say to Buddy, you are so stubborn, that's why I called you a Jackass. I am sorry to have hurt you.

Friday, September 2, 2011




Girl Talk: I AM HERE DOES ANYONE SEE ME? WHY IS IT ALL ABOUT...: Tweet I find myself often times forgetting about everyone but myself. This is rare though. I actually give a lot more than I receive. T...


I find myself often times forgetting about everyone but myself. This is rare though. I actually give a lot more than I receive. Today has been a totally frustrating day and I feel like screaming, am I important to you? Why does everything have to be about you and your issues? I would love for someone to ask me if I slept okay, if I'm feeling okay, or just show some kind of interest in knowing anything about my day, how things are going or just to ask if I'm okay today. I am going to try to ask anyone I have a conversation with today about themselves. I know how important this is to me, so I am going to give every effort I can to each individual I carry on a conversation with. Let us all try to be better listeners and less attention grabbers. Here is to everyone having a great family labor day weekend. Love each other and show compassion to everyone you encounter. If we all do this, what a great holiday it truly will be.

The Help

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Girl Talk: You know I'm faking it if....

Girl Talk: You know I'm faking it if....

Girl Talk: You know I'm faking it if....

Girl Talk: You know I'm faking it if....

Girl Talk: You know I'm faking it if....

Girl Talk: You know I'm faking it if....: You know I'm faking it if I say your too heavy, get off You know I'm faking it if I say "I've gotta go, I have a busy day tomorrow" Y...

Girl Talk: You think I'm jealous of you? You must be joking!...

Girl Talk: You think I'm jealous of you? You must be joking!...: Tweet Often times we women get extremely jealous of each other. Why do we do this? Shouldn't we all live by the rules of committed men ar...

You think I'm jealous of you? You must be joking!!!

Often times we women get extremely jealous of each other.  Why do we do this?  Shouldn't we all live by the rules of committed men are off limits, we look as good as we allow ourselves too, she is only more attractive than me only because I don't take the time to look the best I possibly can?
I can change my weight, hair color, clothes and teeth, so is it me that holds the key to attractiveness?   To an extent the truth lies in our personality.  Sexiness comes across in the way we carry ourselves.  Some of the most attractive men and women that I have encountered were not Barbie or Ken, but average people.  If we can gain that self confidence that allows us to know we are wonderful, sensitive, smart people, then the confidence we display will show our attractiveness.  I am not the size I want to be, however I can change that.  I do feel more secure, attractive and worthy than I did in my twenties.
I know what I want in a relationship, in the bedroom, and with my future.  I am not willing to settle.  So ladies,  let us not be jealous of each other,  own yourself, show your confidence and your strengths and the sexiness will be there.  If we take care of ourselves and believe that we are strong powerful women who can accomplish anything we set our minds to,  we will do it.  That my friend is sexiness to other people.  Let's celebrate our being able to live freely and grow to be the person we have within us. 


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Girl Talk: Your vulnerability is so very SEXY!!!!!!!!

Girl Talk: Your vulnerability is so very SEXY!!!!!!!!: Tweet Okay so today Buddy is struggling with several issues that are very complicated. I was on the other end of the frustrations and pain...

Girl Talk: If your the light of my life, why does our future ...

Girl Talk: If your the light of my life, why does our future ...: I had a guy tell me today that he was the light of my life. Well Bucko, here is a question to you. IF YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF MY LIFE, WHY...

Girl Talk: Your vulnerability is so very SEXY!!!!!!!!

Girl Talk: Your vulnerability is so very SEXY!!!!!!!!: Tweet Okay so today Buddy is struggling with several issues that are very complicated. I was on the other end of the frustrations and pain...

Your vulnerability is so very SEXY!!!!!!!!

Okay so today Buddy is struggling with several issues that are very complicated.  I was on the other end of the frustrations and pain he was feeling.  I never mind listening nor offering my advice, even though it wasn't asked for and I was very forthcoming.  However, into our fifth conversation of the morning, I wasn't such a great listener as I think I am, I failed Buddy.  I failed to really listening to what he was saying and understanding his pain.  I failed to just let him vent without interruption.  I failed to give him my shoulder to lean upon without judgement.  So Buddy to you I say, your a fabulous person, you give all the emotional support to your children without wavering and your an all around great person.  I should have listened and offered no advice as you were just needing someone. I promise to be a better friend to you in the present and future.  I am honored that you call me your friend.  When you cry tears, I cry with you, when you feel pain, I feel pain with you, when you struggle, I struggle with you.  Women often hide our emotions so we don't look like a wreck.  I love that you can share the good and the bad.  I love that your not afraid to cry and fall apart in front of me.  I would not change a thing about you including your being so opinionated.  I want you to know, your one of the most special people I have ever encountered.   I look forward to seeing what the future holds for you.  With all my heart!!!!
P.S.  Your vulnerability is so SEXY!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Girl Talk: If your the light of my life, why does our future ...

Girl Talk: If your the light of my life, why does our future ...: I had a guy tell me today that he was the light of my life. Well Bucko, here is a question to you. IF YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF MY LIFE, WHY...

If your the light of my life, why does our future look so dim

I had a guy tell me today that he  was the light of my  life.  Well Bucko,  here is a question to you.  IF YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF MY LIFE, WHY DOES OUR FUTURE LOOK SO DIM??????/

You don't excite me at all

You are not even remotely attractive to me

You and I have no common interest

You and I do not see eye to eye if you know what I mean

You don't even know me and you think you are the light of my life

You don't even know me and you think we are permanent partners

You haven't spent 10 minutes with me, how could you think we belong together

You don't know me,  what if I don't know how to cook

You don't know me, what if I am a a-sexual

You don't know me, what if I am married

You don't know me, what if I'm a terrible kisser

You say this to me after meeting me for ten minutes mostly because I have big boobs,  I think you probably say this to most women you meet. 

So Mr. you are not the light of my life,  you are a lightening bug, fluttering away as I watch your light get dimmer and dimmer.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Girl Talk: Girl Talk: Big boobs, great skin, and damn good lo...

Girl Talk: Girl Talk: Big boobs, great skin, and damn good lo...: Girl Talk: Big boobs, great skin, and damn good looking......... : Tweet Okay so a very confusing conversation between me and my buddy. I'm ...

Girl Talk: Big boobs, great skin, and damn good looking.........

Girl Talk: Big boobs, great skin, and damn good looking.........: Tweet Okay so a very confusing conversation between me and my buddy. I'm gonna start calling him buddy in my post as you all will know wh...

Girl Talk: Big boobs, great skin, and damn good looking.........

Girl Talk: Big boobs, great skin, and damn good looking.........: Tweet Okay so a very confusing conversation between me and my buddy. I'm gonna start calling him buddy in my post as you all will know wh...

Big boobs, great skin, and damn good looking.......Then why aren't you asking me out?

Okay so a very confusing conversation between me and my buddy.   I'm gonna start calling him buddy in my post as you all will know who I am talking about. Buddy says to me a while back, "you've got big boobs, great skin, and your damn good looking.  I bet you get asked out a lot."  My reply was  "sometimes". What I should have said was,  if I am so great, why aren't you asking me out?  Or I could have said yes I am pretty fabulous, what's your problem in not recognizing that I'm a catch?  Instead I get quite waiting on his follow up to my "sometimes".  Of course the conversation ends with that topic and moves on to another one of our many daily discussions.  This conversation happened a couple of months ago, after we had gone out to a very fun night.   I think about this conversation and wonder why he doesn't ask me out, why he said what he did, and is he the problem here or is it something I did to steer him in a friendship instead of a relationship?  I don't think I will ever know the answer to this question and I have given up any hope of trying to read Buddy's mind.   I would love to enter his mind for a couple of hours just to see what he is thinking.  We have so much fun together and of course there is chemistry so why not ask me out?  To my defense, I tell myself it's because I am so strong and into my career, I'm very tall, and I am very smart,  traits that often scare men away.  Why is it men do get intimidated by us women who are bigger than life?  I look so forward to meeting someone that can take the whole package, arrogance and all, embrace it, love it and enjoy the ride that goes along with Kerrie's craziness.   I know somewhere out there a man that fits this personality does exist.  Just please hurry up and find me! 

Girl Talk: Lets hang out and play naked twister

Girl Talk: Lets hang out and play naked twister

Lets hang out and play naked twister

Friday, August 26, 2011

Girl Talk: I'm a dirty martini and a cigar kind of girl

Girl Talk: I'm a dirty martini and a cigar kind of girl: A good car friend of mine said something interesting to me yesterday. He said he felt like I had testosterone in my veins because I am so g...

I'm a dirty martini and a cigar kind of girl

A good car friend of mine said something interesting to me yesterday.  He said he felt like I had testosterone in my veins because I am so good at selling cars and hanging out with the guys.  Most women would have felt de-womanized, however I took it as a wonderful compliment.   I can do most things a man can do. I am strong in so many ways.  My list today are things that I love to do that are manly.  I am proud of my diversity to so many things, so today is a celebration of us girls and what we love to do.

I love Football

I love watching Sports Center

I love fast cars

I love changing my own oil when I have the chance

I love that I can change a flat time

I love that I can run out of gas and take care of myself

I love that I can jump start anything

I love that I can Bow hunt

I love that trout fishing is one of my most favorite sports to do

I love to Jet Ski really fast

I love to play Chess

I love to watch hunting shows

I love washing my own car

I love to cut grass

I love to play poker with the guys

I love to talk about torque and horsepower

I love being a girl that can love guy things

Lets enjoy what we love to do and Thank God he gave us the choices we have.  Here's to being a girl

Tell me what you girls out there love to do!  I can't wait to hear from you.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Girl Talk: Girl Talk: I'd rather kiss a jackass than go throu...

Girl Talk: Girl Talk: I'd rather kiss a jackass than go throu...: Girl Talk: I'd rather kiss a jackass than go through a break ... : It is so very hard to go through a break up of a relationship whether it ...

Girl Talk: I'd rather kiss a jackass than go through a break ...

Girl Talk: I'd rather kiss a jackass than go through a break ...: It is so very hard to go through a break up of a relationship whether it be marriage or just a partner. Why do we make things so complicate...

Girl Talk: I'd rather kiss a jackass than go through a break ...

Girl Talk: I'd rather kiss a jackass than go through a break ...: It is so very hard to go through a break up of a relationship whether it be marriage or just a partner. Why do we make things so complicate...

Girl Talk: I'd rather kiss a jackass than go through a break ...

Girl Talk: I'd rather kiss a jackass than go through a break ...: It is so very hard to go through a break up of a relationship whether it be marriage or just a partner. Why do we make things so complicate...

Girl Talk: I'd rather kiss a jackass than go through a break ...

Girl Talk: I'd rather kiss a jackass than go through a break ...: It is so very hard to go through a break up of a relationship whether it be marriage or just a partner. Why do we make things so complicate...

Girl Talk: Girl Talk: I'd rather kiss a jackass than go throu...

Girl Talk: Girl Talk: I'd rather kiss a jackass than go throu...: Girl Talk: I'd rather kiss a jackass than go through a break ... : It is so very hard to go through a break up of a relationship whether it ...

Girl Talk: I'd rather kiss a jackass than go through a break up

Girl Talk: I'd rather kiss a jackass than go through a break up

Girl Talk: I'd rather kiss a jackass than go through a break ...

Girl Talk: I'd rather kiss a jackass than go through a break ...: It is so very hard to go through a break up of a relationship whether it be marriage or just a partner. Why do we make things so complicate...

I'd rather kiss a jackass than go through a break up

It is so very hard to go through a break up of a relationship whether it be marriage or just a partner.  Why do we make things so complicated.  You just want to be free to move forward and start your new life, however egos get in the way of life's new starts.   Here's what I want to say to HIM, the ex. 

I just want to never think about you again

I just want to stop crying over the mental anguish I suffered

I just want to be through with this relationship

I just want to feel like I am worth something, as you still tell me I am not.

I just want you to know that I am not interested in your life anymore

I just want you to know the Russian girl you ordered  isn't going to be any better than I was

I just want to be able to date without playing my breakup cd before going out with someone new

I just want to be able to trust again

I just want to be able to eat without feeling guilty because so many times you took the fork out of my mouth

I just want to be able to know you never really loved me

I just want to be able to know, it wasn't my being a size 8 that was too big, it was your small brain

I just want to be able to look at myself in the mirror and see a positive instead of a negative

I just want to be able to move on

I just want to be able to be free without any restrictions from you

If I could kiss a jackass and make this relationship to have never existed than to relive the past everyday, I would do it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Girl Talk: I'm not that into you if part two

Girl Talk: I'm not that into you if part two: I'm not that into you if I shrug when you touch me I'm not that into you if I ignore your needs I'm not that into you if I ask you to in...

Girl Talk: I'm not that into you if part two

Girl Talk: I'm not that into you if part two: I'm not that into you if I shrug when you touch me I'm not that into you if I ignore your needs I'm not that into you if I ask you to in...

I'm not that into you if part two

I'm not that into you if I shrug when you touch me

I'm not that into you if I ignore your needs

I'm not that into you if I ask you to introduce me to one of your friends

I'm not that into you if I tell you I won't be available during the Holidays

I'm not that into you if I don't laugh at your jokes

I'm not that into you if I don't plan vacation with you

I'm not that into you if I tell you I'm on my menstrual cycle and can't talk during that time

I'm not that into you if I don't tell my parents about you

I'm not that into you if I say "we're just friends"

I'm not that into you if I don't invite you to Church with me

I'm not that into you if I don't make dinner for you

I'm not that into you if I don't invite you to have lunch with me during the week

I'm not that into you if I don't french kiss you

I'm not that into you if you think we are dating after a first date

I'm not that into you if you wear plaid

I'm not that into you if you don't meet my needs

I'm not that into you if your communication skills are less than great

I'm not that into you if your mom is number one on your phone

I'm not that into you if your house is a mess

I'm not that into you if you don't pay child support

I'm not that into you if your teeth are bad

I'm not that into you if your breath stinks

I'm not that into you if your always looking at other women

I'm not that into you if your socks don't match

I'm not that into you if I you wear casual to a formal dinner

I'm not that into you if you claim to me a Millionaire but your really aren't

I'm not that into you if you don't spend lots of time with your children

I'm not that into you if your hair is greasy

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Girl Talk: I'm not that into you if,

Girl Talk: I'm not that into you if,: We know the book called "The Rules" and we have learned to live by them in our single world. However, guys don't seem to understand sometim...

Girl Talk: Toad showed up, prince no where in site

Girl Talk: Toad showed up, prince no where in site: Tweet Another blind date, another Toad. As you all know, last night was a blind date for me. I went in with low expectations and that's...

Toad showed up, prince no where in site

Another blind date, another Toad.  As you all know,  last night was a blind date for me.  I went in with low expectations and that's exactly what I got.  Lets call him Fred as I don't feel comfortable revealing his real name.  Fred was 5'2 not 6'1 as he described, he was everything he said he was not.  I am thinking, does he look in a mirror that cast back his reflection or does he have a magical mirror.  As you know, I don't know judge a guy by his looks, I need to spend some time with his personality.  Fred didn't bring his personality to the date.  He was void of any kind of communication skills or manners.  Fred stared at me all night as if he couldn't believe I was actually out with him.  He didn't know how to order for me, he didn't know to pull my chair out, and he didn't know how to ask me about my day, life, or anything else for that matter.  We spend a whole hour and a half being stagnate.  I have never before had such a boring date.  In Fred's defense, I was very late.  Maybe that fact alone got him off track.  When spending time with Fred,  sex, dating, romance, holding hands, were thrown out the window.  I found myself figuring out how to escape the dinner before the food arrived.  Of course I suffered through and lived to tell about it.  To all the Fred's out there, just be honest with your true personality and true looks.  We we so not a match from the beginning and a waste of money on dinner.  I keep waiting for my Prince to show up, however, he hasn't so far.  Maybe he has actually, we are both just living in a world of denial.   To Fred, there is someone out there for you,  its just not me.   

Friday, August 19, 2011

Girl Talk: I'm not that into you if

Girl Talk: I'm not that into you if: Hey guys, A reader emailed me today about some additions to my blog of "I'm not that into you if". I'm not that into you if I change...

Girl Talk: Girl Talk: Do you think I'm Sexy?

Girl Talk: Girl Talk: Do you think I'm Sexy?: Girl Talk: Do you think I'm Sexy? : I actually had a guy ask me today if I thought he was sexy. My reply was sexy is all about personality ...

Girl Talk: I'm not that into you if

Girl Talk: I'm not that into you if: Hey guys, A reader emailed me today about some additions to my blog of "I'm not that into you if". I'm not that into you if I change...

I'm not that into you if

Hey guys,

A reader emailed me today about some additions to my blog of   "I'm not that into you if".

I'm not that into you if I change my dinner invite to lunch or coffee.

I'm not that into you if I never invite you to my place

I'm not that into you if Your not a dog lover

Thanks so much for the new items. 

Girl Talk: Do you think I'm Sexy?

Girl Talk: Do you think I'm Sexy?: I actually had a guy ask me today if I thought he was sexy. My reply was sexy is all about personality and how you carry yourself. I belie...

Girl Talk: Do you think I'm Sexy?

Girl Talk: Do you think I'm Sexy?: I actually had a guy ask me today if I thought he was sexy. My reply was sexy is all about personality and how you carry yourself. I belie...

Do you think I'm Sexy?

I actually had a guy ask me today if I thought he was sexy.  My reply was sexy is all about personality and how you carry yourself.  I believe we women find men attractive when they are good providers, good fathers, good listeners, and good companions.  I have seen the most gorgeous men, but after holding a 10 minute conversation with them, the sexiness is not there at all.  I've also seen men that do not look appealing at all, however after spending time with him, you discover he is so sexy and attractive. The person I am most attractive to is not a hottie but he is so sexy to me.  He is a GREAT father, good listener, best friend and a great advice giver.  In fact he is probably my very best friend.  He is middle aged with ailing health and struggling, but to me he is the best looking man I have seen in a long time.  I adore him. So men out there, if your wanting to look sexy,  its all in the eyes of the beholder.  Make sure you come across as the man of our dreams.  Looks are only a small portion of a man's sexiness.  We want to have sex with someone we can trust, we honor, and we feel secure with.  That's what makes a man sexy.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Girl Talk: Girl Talk: Girl Talk: I'm not faking for you, I w...

Girl Talk: Girl Talk: Girl Talk: I'm not faking for you, I w...: Girl Talk: Girl Talk: I'm not faking for you, I want my O's : Girl Talk: I'm not faking for you, I want my O's : Often in a woman's world,...

Girl Talk: Girl Talk: Girl Talk: Girl Talk: You know I'm faki...

Girl Talk: Girl Talk: Girl Talk: Girl Talk: You know I'm faki...: Girl Talk: Girl Talk: Girl Talk: You know I'm faking it if...... : Girl Talk: Girl Talk: You know I'm faking it if.... : Girl Talk: You know...

Girl Talk: Girl Talk: Girl Talk: Girl Talk: You know I'm faki...

Girl Talk: Girl Talk: Girl Talk: Girl Talk: You know I'm faki...: Girl Talk: Girl Talk: Girl Talk: You know I'm faking it if...... : Girl Talk: Girl Talk: You know I'm faking it if.... : Girl Talk: You know...

Girl Talk: Girl Talk: I'm not faking for you, I want my O's

Girl Talk: Girl Talk: I'm not faking for you, I want my O's: Girl Talk: I'm not faking for you, I want my O's : Often in a woman's world, we are left settling for what we can get instead of what we w...

Girl Talk: Girl Talk: Girl Talk: You know I'm faking it if......

Girl Talk: Girl Talk: Girl Talk: You know I'm faking it if......: Girl Talk: Girl Talk: You know I'm faking it if.... : Girl Talk: You know I'm faking it if.... : You know I'm faking it if I say your too he...