Saturday, August 20, 2011

Toad showed up, prince no where in site

Another blind date, another Toad.  As you all know,  last night was a blind date for me.  I went in with low expectations and that's exactly what I got.  Lets call him Fred as I don't feel comfortable revealing his real name.  Fred was 5'2 not 6'1 as he described, he was everything he said he was not.  I am thinking, does he look in a mirror that cast back his reflection or does he have a magical mirror.  As you know, I don't know judge a guy by his looks, I need to spend some time with his personality.  Fred didn't bring his personality to the date.  He was void of any kind of communication skills or manners.  Fred stared at me all night as if he couldn't believe I was actually out with him.  He didn't know how to order for me, he didn't know to pull my chair out, and he didn't know how to ask me about my day, life, or anything else for that matter.  We spend a whole hour and a half being stagnate.  I have never before had such a boring date.  In Fred's defense, I was very late.  Maybe that fact alone got him off track.  When spending time with Fred,  sex, dating, romance, holding hands, were thrown out the window.  I found myself figuring out how to escape the dinner before the food arrived.  Of course I suffered through and lived to tell about it.  To all the Fred's out there, just be honest with your true personality and true looks.  We we so not a match from the beginning and a waste of money on dinner.  I keep waiting for my Prince to show up, however, he hasn't so far.  Maybe he has actually, we are both just living in a world of denial.   To Fred, there is someone out there for you,  its just not me.