Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Girl Talk: Do you really need me to go there???????

Girl Talk: Do you really need me to go there???????: Tweet You think I am all about dating you. I am all about taking care of me. I have lived without you for a very long time. I am not int...

Do you really need me to go there???????

You think I am all about dating you.  I am all about taking care of me. I have lived without you for a very long time.  I am not interested in going out with you. If you were the last man on earth, I'd think twice about it even then.  The arrogance of feeling "pressured to date me" is unbelievable.  What makes you think you are the center of my world?   I told you a couple weeks ago, I'd never date you.  I will tell you again.  Any chance you had to date me is long gone.  I'm done!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Girl Talk: How do you describe a friend???????...our definiti...

Girl Talk: How do you describe a friend???????...our definiti...: Tweet When I am your friend, I will fight to the end for you. I give unconditionally, I support, I love and I endure all for our relatio...

How do you describe a friend???????...our definitions are totally different!!!!!!!

  1. When I am your friend,  I will fight to the end for you.  I give unconditionally, I support, I love and I endure all for our relationship.  I enjoy hanging out with my friends,  cooking, eating, drinking, and other fun stuff.  I am not jealous of their success and I share all with them, and I will defend them to the utter end.   I have some of the best friends in the world.  Unfortunately most of them live in Florida or out of the Country.  I am learning the friends that I have had for years are the most loyal.  I have only been hurt by "best friends" I have just acquired recently.  So I am going to make a new years resolution early.  It is time I am good to me!!!!  I do not need hanger on's, nor do I want fake people in my life.  I am going to give as good as I receive. So if your wanting to be my friend,  please check your insecurities, jealousy, and ulterior motives at the door.  I don't need them and I certainly do not want the drama in my life.  I am so tired of dealing with these issues on a daily basis.  Who can you trust?  I can trust my friends who have been with me through thick and thin.  You all know who you are and I love you all so much.   I will not allow these people to hurt me ever again.   I stand on my own two feet and don't want anything from anybody.  I am a survivor.  I will succeed with or without you.

          Happy Thanksgiving to my true friends
          I raise my glass to you!  Cheers! 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Girl Talk: Distant??? Running Scared? I think your emotional...

Girl Talk: Distant??? Running Scared? I think your emotional...: Tweet So why is it, some guys and even some girls talk a good game about wanting to be in a committed relationship, however when it comes ...

Distant??? Running Scared? I think your emotionally unavailable.........

So why is it, some guys and even some girls talk a good game about wanting to be in a committed relationship, however when it comes down to it, they run, avoid, or deny what their feeling inside?????  I mean come on, if your wanting to have that special someone,  why not work on why your running?  If it was a past marriage or relationship,  find out how to move on from those issues and get on with a new life.  Don't let life pass you by and lose the chance of a potential great relationship.  Often we sabotage a new person in our lives before we ever give the relationship a chance.  How fair are we really being to ourselves?????
I am going to try to work on my running and try to give a fair shot at someone that just might end up being incredible.  How can you know for sure unless you give some time to this person and get to know them by spending time together without analyzing the relationship before it ever gets started?



Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Girl Talk: ARE WE REALLY ACTING LIKE WE'RE IN HIGH SCHOOL????...: Tweet GIRL TALK It seems like some people cannot get over high school. Do we really need to keep drama stirred up? Do you really need t...


GIRL TALKIt seems like some people cannot get over high school.  Do we really need to keep drama stirred up?  Do you really need that much control in your life?  Are you really that miserable?  Do you really think my life revolves around you?  These are questions that we should ask on a daily basis of our friends.  What do you want from me?  What do you bring to the relationship?  How much can I trust you?  Are you who you say you are?  Why do you lie to me?  I don't need you,  I don't want you, I don't love you.  I exist for my children and that is what is important to me.  I love me, I like me,  I think I am pretty neat.  I don't care what you think. I thought I could trust you, the biggest lie was about you not me at all.


Girl Talk: MY SEX DRIVE IS CRAZY.....HOW BOUT YOURS?: Tweet HER TALK Okay girls, we are in our forties, our children are on their way to college or already out the door. I cannot stop feeli...


Girl Talk: MY SEX DRIVE IS CRAZY.....HOW BOUT YOURS?: Tweet HER TALK Okay girls, we are in our forties, our children are on their way to college or already out the door. I cannot stop feeli...



Okay girls, we are in our forties, our children are on their way to college or already out the door. I cannot stop feeling frisky day and night. I mean come on girls, we didn't know how to have sex in our twenties,  we started learning in our thirties and now by our forties, we know how to be satisfied and can't seem to get enough.  Why do you think women get their sex drives during peri-menopause and men get theirs in teenage years?   God really does have a sense of humor.  I could never date a twenty year old but I do understand why some women become cougars.  Having  that special person to share my bed with that enjoys learning each others body  and learning  how to  maximize the intensiveness of being intimate.  So women let's enjoy our sexuality and explore with our partners.  Let us be passionate lovers so we in return will get the orgasms we so deserve.


Maybe my get up and go has got up and went, but my desire SHORE ain't.  Damn, I like it, I want it but it takes a hell of a lot out of my system. I  got an IV rack next to my bed and I'm eating Viagra like M &M's.  I may be slow getting to the station but I'm  packing my luggage when I get there.  I can still crow with the best of them but it takes some effort.  What I'm trying to say fellows, don't miss out on the fun, get down to the yore local herb store or trading post and gas up on the vitamins.  Viagra is great but your motor has got to be running for it to work.  GIRL TALKGIRL TALK HER TALK, HIS TALK

Monday, November 14, 2011

Women in the Kitchen all the time???? Not Hardly......

Men expect us to stay in the kitchen cooking, especially during the Holiday's.  Why can't you all share in the responsibilities.  I mean, come on guys, I am an old fashioned yet modern girl.  I want to watch football, the Macy's parade and relax.  If I am the only one cooking, how is that fair?  You expect us to cook, clean, and be ready for sex at anytime.  Women now work long hours and often bring in as much if not more money than you men. We want to have some down time as well.  I mean come on, can't you help us at least some of the time.  If you offered to help us in anyway, we would be so grateful, the sex would be amazing afterwards.  So let us all be thankful for God, each other, our families and all the blessings God has poured over us.   Men, offer to pitch in this year,  the rewards will be immense!!!!   

I am so thankful to all my followers and to the people who are buying and enjoying my book.

Cheers!!!!!http://girltalkfortystyle.com/ Girl Talk

Saturday, November 12, 2011

WE GIRLS WANT IT ALL......will run quickly if necessary

We girls want the storybook ending.  We want the attentive guy who is great with our kids, loves spending time with us, is passionate, loving and outgoing.  We want to please, pamper, and spend our time just being happy with this person.  I myself want to share everything and include in all parts of my family and career.  However, when we sense we're going to get hurt,  what do we do, or shall I say what I do,  run, run, as fast as you can.  You turn to someone else for a temporary easement.  Of course you eventually run from that relationship too as your really in love with the other person.  It's like a hamster on a spinning wheel, you just keep spinning and hope one day the craziness will stop.  I have someone that wants to marry me.  I am not in love with that person even though I am extremely attracted to him.  He isn't the guy for me.  He would be easy to be with except he travels 10 months out of the year. This is our second series of dating each other and of course it is me that will hurt him again. At least this time will be sooner rather than later.  I just want to find that person that feels the same way I do about them, a simple person that will be here every night.  I am stepping off the treadmill of dating,  I am going to stop running and just try to enjoy being single for a while.  I really have been single for 11 years as you all know about my last relationship, however this time I am going to discover who I really am.  I want to hike my property, ride a horse, keep writing, plant herbs, wade in the creek and paint.  I want to embrace my kids with all that I have within me.  I want to watch them become adults and help guide them through this unfair life.  I want to love me even though I am "out there".  So girls, I am off the dating treadmill.  If someone comes along that I want to go out with, I will, however, I am not going to actively look for "him".  Does the storybook ending really ever happen?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Girl Talk: Player?????.......How old are you really?????????

Girl Talk: Player?????.......How old are you really?????????: Tweet So we are all in our forties and we are all less than perfect. We all age and we all go through menopause and everything else so wh...

Player?????.......How old are you really?????????

So we are all in our forties and we are all less than perfect. We all age and we all go through menopause and everything else so why do men our age think it's actually attractive to be a player. Come on, are we really so desperate for attention that we run around and chase anything that is out there? Where is our self esteem? Most men get tired of hearing other men friends are bragging about their conquest, the photos they have of all these girls on their phones,and always making up stories of their flandering. Married men actually are happy they aren't living like that. Most married men love coming home to their wives, knowing they have their best friend waiting on them. I personally cannot wait to find the right person to spend the rest of my life with. A player is not what I am interested in. A man who is secure with himself and can't wait to be with me and only me is what I am wanting. I also don't want to be intimate with someome that has slept with every single girl in town. Everybody wants what everybody has, but nobody wants what everybody else has HAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Girl Talk: Are Italian men better lovers???????????

Girl Talk: Are Italian men better lovers???????????

Girl Talk: Are Italian men better lovers???????????

Girl Talk: Are Italian men better lovers???????????: Tweet I always feel so good when I am around my Italian men friends. They are so passionate and attentive to me. My friend Ivan never fa...

Are Italian men better lovers???????????

I always feel so good when I am around my Italian men friends. They are so passionate and attentive to me. My friend Ivan never fails to look me in the eyes and when he speaks to me, it's like no one else is in the room. I love it when he says "Bella darling, your so beautiful". At that point he has me hook, line and sinker. Why are Italian men so different than American men? Why do they get what we women want and need? Maybe their mothers instilled into them the importance of making a woman feel ultra sexy, lovable and beautiful. With Italian men, they touch every part of your body with extreme passion. Why is this and how do we get all men to act this way? I personally love the attention.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Girl Talk: Angry at Bedtime......Are you Serious??????

Girl Talk: Anrgy at Bedtime......Are you Serious??????: Tweet She said: I detest going to bed angry with my partner. I like cuddling and sleeping too much to be mad when I retire for the eve...

Angry at Bedtime......Are you Serious??????

She said:

I detest going to bed angry with my partner. I like cuddling and sleeping too much to be mad when I retire for the evening. I say we settle our differences before the bewitching hour. Why not go ahead and get it all out, get over the argument and move on. I myself am a lover not a fighter. When you fall asleep and words are left unspoken, forgiveness hasn't been created and you both are in an irate mood, a wall between the two of you goes up and the next day starts off in a terrible way. Get it all out, apologize, and love each other. Life would be much happier for all couples.

He Said:

We've all done it, we'll add do it again but why do this? It's not any different than drinking or driving. The punishment maybe different but the results can be the same. This could destroy your life. Unresolved arguments are usually more painful to one person more so than the other. Like an untreated wound, this could fester and spread the infection deeper into the relationship. Issues that are serious enough to fight about must be dealt with at some point so the tension can be relieved. There maybe loose ends to wrap up and a final resolution maybe not be reached, however, you must end the evening on a more amicable note. Allowing your partner to go to sleep mad or upset, may cause them to become physically sick, stressed to the point of doing something irrational or even causing them to have an accident. Remember stress affects people differently and what may be of no consequence to one partner could be absolutely crippling to the other.

Now is the time to deal with the issue and come to happy medium. Think enough of your partner to give them peace. Love and embrace your partner and do not allow them to go to bed upset.

Think about partner!!! Just Think!!!