Sunday, October 23, 2011

Love Letters from..............a psychopath

I was married for many years to a man who traveled alot. While he was traveling, he wrote me the most beautiful often sexual letters. During the ten years we were together, we never had sex once. He prefered a different taste so to speak. I was a size 8 at 5'8, that wasn't small enough for him. He needed me to be a size zero to be intimate with, or so he said. Well, I was unpacking the other day and came across some of the letters he wrote to me. Many people have asked how I could have been so off key with his sexuality. I am going to reveal just how he got me to believe he was into me. So here goes, enjoy. I did for a while, the letters now make me sick to my stomach.

Love is a word used so often, about so many things, and yet real love remains a mystery. If someone asked me how I love you, a thousand thoughts would rush through my are kind and thoughtful, giving and understanding, and so very much more.....yet words will never capture how beautiful your spirit is, how compassionate your heart is, so when I tell you I love you, it's my simple way of saying that it makes me happy beyond words to be sharing the mystery of love with you.....

then he write,

Hey my sweet baby, well this week is a much better one. The news from you is so exciting. Your calls, I want you so much baby. I know last week was tough honey, but I pray daily that he gives you the strength of spirit and blesses you. I know how strong you are when you put your mind into it, so I know with the Lords and my love, we can get through anything. You are absolutely the best most loving person I know. I can't wait to get home and make made passionate love to you. I dream and think about you constantly, but you know its not always about sex, its often about everyday things. You are such a big part of my life. As long as we love each other and communicate, we'll be able to deal with the conflicts that come up. I don't want to ever fight but I know things will come up. Hopefully we can talk calmly with each other always showing respect. I want to spend as much time together as we can with each other, to learn each other, I want to marry you, but not because of lust. Because we are truly matched and want to be together, do you understand honey. I want to know you and be comfortable with you in the physical sense. I want to make sure we fit on an everyday basis. I know our love making will be fantastic. Ok sweet love, I will only marry once in my life and I have to know its right, I love you and we will both know when to make it happen. I truly look forward to it. I miss you, I want you, I love you!!!

Well friends, please tell me what you think. Would you have fallen for the lies as I did, or would you have seen through the "getting to know each other better"