Saturday, August 13, 2011

I'm not that into you if,

We know the book called "The Rules" and we have learned to live by them in our single world.  However, guys don't seem to understand sometimes when your not into them so I have compiled a list of "i'm not that into you if's"  so here goes.  People feel free to add to this list at anytime. 

I'm not that into you if I don't answer your calls even when you call over and over again.
I'm not that into you if I don't allow you to meet my kids
I'm not that into you if I don't ask you over to my home
I'm not that into you if I talk to other men in your presence
I'm not that into you if I tell you I am too tired to talk
I'm not that into you if I your being completely needy
I'm not that into you if I don't hold your hand
I'm not that into you if I talk over you what your saying
I'm not that into you if I make plans for the weekend and your not included
I'm not that into you if I tell you someone is on the other line, I've gotta go
I'm not that into you if I don't look into your eyes
I'm not that into you if I walk 2 feet ahead of you
I'm not that into you if I feel exhausted from our conversations
I'm not that into you if I you constantly talk about your needs
I'm not that into you if your not a football fan
I'm not that into you if come across as a prude
I'm not that into you if you eat like a pig
I'm not that into you if you dress like a slob
I'm not that into you if you always have plans for the weekend and I'm not included
I'm not that into you if you think you own me
I'm not that into you if your main concern is what your eating your next meal
I'm not that into you if your vehicle is a mess
I'm not that into you if I don't tell you I adore you
I'm not that into you if you like to play games
I'm not that into you if you talk down to me
Anyone have anything to add?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm not that into you if your always texting other women