Monday, April 30, 2012



Today is the first day of my trying to regain sanity and loose the baggage.  I struggle with weight issues and have for my entire life.  If you've read my book "Not Small Enough", you all know the depth of my incredible pain  and torture I was put through.  So today I have decided to put aside all this baggage and get to the bottom of my eating  emotions away. I am way too heavy at this current time in my life and I am ready to loose the baggage for good.  If I can share with you all the struggles I suffer through daily, maybe I will win the war, battle by battle.  In doing so, if just one person benefits from my blog, I will have been truly blessed.  So here goes to gaining my self respect and dignity.

Today is day one, I am striving not to have any fast food.  I will not allow myself to drink sweet tea which is my favorite drink, (I am southern you know).  I will walk at least ten minutes and not complain.  I will use my ipod to cover up the shouts of negative comments my head spout at me.  I will not listen.  I will walk to music, the one thing in my life that never lets me down. If I think about back sliding into the huge pit of self despair, I will write to you all and force myself to be accountable to you my readers.  I will envision myself back to the size six I was a couple of years ago.  I will have a happy ending to my next book because I will love myself and in return, I will find the love of my life.  I will win this battle with my  self esteem one blog at a time.  Anyone care to join me on this journey?