Monday, April 16, 2012

Teenagers, teenagers, teenagers

I had a wonderful week with my son who was home visiting during his spring break. I spent most of the week with him and his twin sister. We had an amazing time and I look forward to all three kids home for summer break. With that being said, I cannot believe the amount of dirty laundry, piles of their stuff lying around, nor the constant parade of friends stopping by. I have never laughed so hard, cried at his going back or bought so much food. I can tell you they eat massive amounts of food and I cannot possibly explain where it all goes. I also was left to care for their dogs while they camped wih their friends. During the week, one dog rolled in something that smelled like sewage, caught a cold from his outside cold water bath. Had a huge bowel movement right at the patio door. While cleaning up the poop, I got sick and threw up all over the huge pile, trying to run to the bathroom, I slipped in the mess and fell right on top of it. I crushed my elbow and can still feel the Bruising and pain a week later. On Saturday, Both dogs ran away and I found them playing on a busy street as cars were flying by. I got my daughters dog into my car while my sons dog laid down on the road and refused to move. I had to pick him up which was not an easy task, and put him in my car. I was left with limbs , dirt and dog hair all over me. I'm sure I should have set better boundaries with the twins but I didn't. I wanted th to enjoy their time together and to have some freedom to enjoy their friends. As we all know, becoming a self supporting adult happens way to quickly, leaving us to remember our college days and all the fun we had being nineteen. I wouldn't change a thing about this week except maybe making it last longer.