Sunday, August 14, 2011

Do you call him back or not?

So its almost  the weekend, the guy your most interested in calls on Thursday but doesn't say anything about going out with you.  This is my first clue that I am not going to entertain another call from this man as he is too into himself.  This same guy calls on Friday late afternoon to see If i'd like to go to dinner in a couple hours.  I did not take the call.  If i'm not important enough to make plans with ahead of time, your not important enough for me to sit across the table and converse with you about various topics.  I mean come on ladies, don't we deserve some attention.  I will call this guy back later on this week to let him know my life has just gotten busier and I don't see anyway we could possibly see each other until after the first of the year. I want someone to seem excited to plan spending time with me.  I am not a last minute date. I watched a movie with my daughter a few days ago and the point was so clear.  We women want to be romanced with someone that loves spending time with us.  We want attention to say the least.  I will give my all to a relationship if your giving your all to me.  So men if your following, listen to what we are saying,  to get what you want, be receptive to giving us what we need and all will  be great.

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