Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Girl Talk: "NOT SMALL ENOUGH": "Not Small Enough"  by Kerrie Kilburn ...


Girl Talk: GIVE UP THE FAST FOOD, LIFE HERE I COME: I Tweet Today is the first day of my trying to regain sanity and loose the baggage.  I struggle with weight issues and have for my entire...



Today is the first day of my trying to regain sanity and loose the baggage.  I struggle with weight issues and have for my entire life.  If you've read my book "Not Small Enough", you all know the depth of my incredible pain  and torture I was put through.  So today I have decided to put aside all this baggage and get to the bottom of my eating  emotions away. I am way too heavy at this current time in my life and I am ready to loose the baggage for good.  If I can share with you all the struggles I suffer through daily, maybe I will win the war, battle by battle.  In doing so, if just one person benefits from my blog, I will have been truly blessed.  So here goes to gaining my self respect and dignity.

Today is day one, I am striving not to have any fast food.  I will not allow myself to drink sweet tea which is my favorite drink, (I am southern you know).  I will walk at least ten minutes and not complain.  I will use my ipod to cover up the shouts of negative comments my head spout at me.  I will not listen.  I will walk to music, the one thing in my life that never lets me down. If I think about back sliding into the huge pit of self despair, I will write to you all and force myself to be accountable to you my readers.  I will envision myself back to the size six I was a couple of years ago.  I will have a happy ending to my next book because I will love myself and in return, I will find the love of my life.  I will win this battle with my  self esteem one blog at a time.  Anyone care to join me on this journey?

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Girl Talk: Lose the ballerina flats, put on the Jimmy Choo's!...

Girl Talk: Lose the ballerina flats, put on the Jimmy Choo's!...: Tweet Her Talk I love a good pair of stillettos, however everytime you get the AMEX bill you freak out.  So you say you want me to look...

Lose the ballerina flats, put on the Jimmy Choo's!!!!!

Her Talk

I love a good pair of stillettos, however everytime you get the AMEX bill you freak out.  So you say you want me to look great but you hate spending our money for those Jimmy Choos.  You don't have a problem dropping a couple thousand dollars on a new hunting rifle.  You sure don't mind going out on the town when I am dressed to kill.  So honey, make up your mind.  Do you like the look enough to over compensate for the $2500 AMEX bill? 

His Talk

Don't you know that shoes make the outfit?  You went through all the trouble to dress so sexy, now your gonna put out the flames with them ballerina slippers.  I mean sexy is the shoes.  The high ones hot, the thigh highs are super hot, the cowboy boots and blue jean shorts, bad ass.  I even like when you wear Jimmy's shoes.  I'm guessing he must be some kind of transformer or cross dresser but his taste in shoes is impeccable. So go ahead and wear Jimmy's shoes cause their bad ass.  Let's hope he doesn't come looking for them.  

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Girl Talk: "NOT SMALL ENOUGH": "Not Small Enough"  by Kerrie Kilburn ...


"Not Small Enough"  by Kerrie Kilburn

"I am married. Did I mention I am married? I haven't even been kissed since I said my vows. I go for the lips yet again, only to be rebuffed. I cannot even begin to tell you what I feel.  The pain is so intense, I am not sure I can survive.  Todd turns to me and says the words that are forever engraved in my heart. He says so casually "Carmen darling, I love you so, however you know I am a famous figure and any woman I have been with has been pure perfection. If I wanted to have sex with you tonight, I couldn't, my dearest when you get to a size zero, we will make mad passionate love to each other." Did he really just say a size zero? AGAIN?????? I am skinny now. I cannot imagine myself any smaller. I was a 24. A size four is pure ecstasy for a previous chubby girl.  I am so hurt but afraid to cry. I do not want him to know what he has done to me. Instead I imagine cutting off his penis and sending it gift wrapped to his mother. I want to badly physically hurt him. I want to annul this marriage. I want to eat cake. I want to shave the pencil thin mustache off his face. I want to tell him he looks older than he is. I want to leave and pick up a stranger. I want to call my best friend Keith who has made passionate love to me in the past. 

Teenagers, teenagers, teenagers

I had a wonderful week with my son who was home visiting during his spring break. I spent most of the week with him and his twin sister. We had an amazing time and I look forward to all three kids home for summer break. With that being said, I cannot believe the amount of dirty laundry, piles of their stuff lying around, nor the constant parade of friends stopping by. I have never laughed so hard, cried at his going back or bought so much food. I can tell you they eat massive amounts of food and I cannot possibly explain where it all goes. I also was left to care for their dogs while they camped wih their friends. During the week, one dog rolled in something that smelled like sewage, caught a cold from his outside cold water bath. Had a huge bowel movement right at the patio door. While cleaning up the poop, I got sick and threw up all over the huge pile, trying to run to the bathroom, I slipped in the mess and fell right on top of it. I crushed my elbow and can still feel the Bruising and pain a week later. On Saturday, Both dogs ran away and I found them playing on a busy street as cars were flying by. I got my daughters dog into my car while my sons dog laid down on the road and refused to move. I had to pick him up which was not an easy task, and put him in my car. I was left with limbs , dirt and dog hair all over me. I'm sure I should have set better boundaries with the twins but I didn't. I wanted th to enjoy their time together and to have some freedom to enjoy their friends. As we all know, becoming a self supporting adult happens way to quickly, leaving us to remember our college days and all the fun we had being nineteen. I wouldn't change a thing about this week except maybe making it last longer.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Girl Talk: Is your partner bad in bed???? What to do!!

Girl Talk: Is your partner bad in bed???? What to do!!: Tweet Her Talk Okay girls so your with a guy who is your soul mate, however, he is terrible in bed, what do you do?   I believe you sho...

Is your partner bad in bed???? What to do!!

Her Talk

Okay girls so your with a guy who is your soul mate, however, he is terrible in bed, what do you do?   I believe you should tell him or even better, show him how to take you over the edge and into orbit.  Who wants to go through life with a less than good intimate relationship.  If my guy isn't getting me to the finish line, I'll for sure try to be a little more saucy in the bedroom.  If it takes lingerie, more stimulation, yes girls you know exactly what I mean, or a session on technique, we should all work hard to get the mind blowing orgasms we love so much.  Being in a relationship that isn't sexually satisfying is so disappointing and can actually cause other issues with the two of you.  It's kinda like having cake without any icing.   So express yourself and get what you want.  Never settle for anything less than great sex.

His Talk

I like to think I'm good in bed but to some I may have been down right boring.  I'm sure I didn't get the job done every time but we did start at the same time.  I like to please my gal so I am willing to listen and learn.  If your smart, you'll listen too. Now if my partner is no good, I am sure I can probably fix that.  I mean I get mine almost every time so what the hell is wrong with her?  The only thing that really slows me down or makes my partner that isn't good is usually an issue I hate to address.  I just can't handle a lady being ripe.  I like a banana ripe but not my woman. I am no coon dog and I don't need a sent trail to get me to the dance.  I have yet to come up with a nice way to mention this.  If there is a way, please let me know.  

Her Talk

Tell your girl to eat more fruit and less red meat and sugar. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Girl Talk: Girlfriends, can you trust they won't reveal what ...

Girl Talk: Girlfriends, can you trust they won't reveal what ...: Tweet You go out with your girlfriends on a scheduled night on the town.  We all behave to a point.  I mean we don't pick up men, we do fl...

Things we do at a traffic light!!!!!! We should be so embarassed?

Her Talk

The things we do at a red light.  Are we really shocked at the fact that people are watching us?  Do you really believe you can do your make up, kiss your guy or change your clothes without the person in the car next to you watching?  I am guilty of all the above.  For some reason we feel like those two minutes are our time and we can do whatever we like without anyone paying attention.  I guess if your willing to put your personal stuff out there, just expect people are going to watch because we are all very curious by nature.

His Talk

Please do not assume no one is watching you at the red light because they absolutely are.  You have probably been smoked over by 2/3rds of every individual of the cars all around you. I understand time is important and in the fast paced world, every second counts. That being said, I can see the need for the various activities we partake in at the red light.  They are important and necessary as they are varied and disgusting.  I mean fixing your hair and make up is fine, texting is acceptable, changing shirt or reading the paper is risky but not acceptable to use your left index finger which  is closest to the drivers side window which is closest to the viewing public and pluck that massive also visible to the public bugger and drag it off on your shirt sleeve. Or in your case, you might have wiped under the front seat of the car. I mean damn, really??
So please do not assume no one is watching because I was and I saw what you did.  No telling who else seen it.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Girl Talk: You won't believe what just happened to me, I am ...

Girl Talk: You won't believe what just happened to me, I am ...: Tweet Her Talk I was so embarassed the other morning.  I was jogging in town with my trainer who is so very fine that I could not keep m...

You won't believe what just happened to me, I am so embarassed.

Her Talk

I was so embarassed the other morning.  I was jogging in town with my trainer who is so very fine that I could not keep my eyes off his incredibly georgous self.  We were talking and laughing during the exercising and he kept reminding me to stop making him laugh or one of us was sure to fall.   I have to say he was totally right because not only did I fall, I made a very hard fall off the sidewalk, into a pine tree in a split stance.  I lost all control of my body and took out several limbs of the tree which gave new meaning to the term "highlights" because my hair was full of pine needles, dirt and sap.  My head hit the tree pretty hard and I was seeing stars.  All I could do was laugh as much as possible to avoid the look of pain on my face.  My trainer was worried at first but after seeing my hysterical laughter, he started giggling as well.  Not only did I lose any self respect, I wet my pants during the fall.  I was so glad I had on black yoga sweats that didn't show my loss of control.  I managed to get up and dust myself off with as much class as I could muster with only a slight concussion,  banged up knee and several bruises but none as severe as my bruised ego. 

Her Talk

Well, I will tell you.  I had to leave the swimming pool to relieve myself apprently of the two pounds of the jerk chicken I had just swallowed.  Yeah I was in Jamica, and yes I had smoked some great weed and had eaten like hell. Shortly there after, I felt a terrible rumble inside. I immediately left the pool and sprinted for the hotel restroom. I looked like O.J. Simpson hurdling through the airport. About the time I hit the toilet seat, my water broke.  What a relief, I made it just in time.  I thought I was going to be okay but boy was I wrong.  The water from my bathing suit had dripped onto the marble floor creating a hazard that almost changed my life. As I tried to spring up on my feet, causing me to slide forward at the speed of light. I drug my family jewels  across the edge of that toilet seat for the closest shave a man could ever have.  Immediate defoliation of my testicles had just taken place.  Now my back was against the toilet seat and my feet lodged against the ledge of the stall and all my man stuff hovering over the most vile spot in a man's restroom. All I could think about was the impending infection that I was about to contract when my freshly shaved cod met with the urine stained floor.  So I managed to roll left, get on my feet and sprint back to the swimming pool with the hopes that the chlorine in the water was strong enough to kill off any disease that may have not yet entered my body.  This had to help because it burned like hell when I entered the water. It's been ten years and I am still alive.

You can't come hang out because she says no???? Really?????

Her Talk

This can go either way for both men and women as we all date people occasionally, that make us run like crazy away from a relationship where signs of control and jealousy start peeking their little heads out.  However sometimes one of our friends will latch onto a freak and your friendship takes not only a back seat but a fall off the cliff head first and your left without any resemblance of the friendship you once shared.   I had a girlfriend who started dating a guy who would not allow her to have a girls night out.  We could not even attend yoga class together.  He would always accuse us of trolling for men even in sweaty clothing, no make up and hair looking less than perfect.  She chose to stay with him, eventually married this control freak.  No longer is my friend allowed to see me or any other girlfriends.  She is timed when going to the grocery store.  The only place she can go without him is to doctors visits, grocery shopping, or to drop the kids off to school.  He checks the mileage on her car to verify she is being honest with him.  She is not the same person I knew. I do talk to her on the phone from time to time and she always ends the conversation with her regrets of not listening to her best girlfriends.  She is a prisoner in her own home.  She has even been accused of having an affair with the mailman who is probably 75 years old.   So men and women, when you start seeing any signs of control, anger and jealousy, please put your running shoes on and start heading south before your into a messy relationship that will only get worse and cause misery.  Great friends are hard to come by.  If you have to chose between people you've had in your life for a long time prior to meeting this person, always chose who has been there through thick and thin.  If you don't, the jealousy and control will on ly get worse the longer you stay.

His Talk

I have never been the controlling type as I believe everyone should be able to see their friends and family.  True friends are hard to come by so I'd like to think we could all keep our friends and have a successful relationship. I've had plenty of good relationships and I've not had to give up my friends to do so.  With that being said, I am definitely surprised by your disappearance. If you can't see trouble on the horizon when your girlfriend hates you being with your friends, then you are not only blind but stupid as well. You are existing into a dictatorship and you are not the ruler, she is.  You may be happy now but there is a storm a brewing.  This relationship is going to lead you to a slow, miserable and agonizing death.   A life without the freedom and liberty to do what you want within reason is a sure death penalty.  Since your head is no doubt in her ass, I will let you go ahead with the colon cleansing, but when you come out, you will no doubt me miserable and sick. Do not forsake your friends for a relationship.  The fact that you are giving up one for the other is suicide.

Top five deal breakers for a dating!!!!!!

 I really hate the dating scene and am just amazed at how stupid and childish men tend to act when dating.  I've had a lot more bad dates than good first dates.  As you all know my rules,  I rarely make it to a second date. Call me picky or just tacky but I do have high expectations for a simple first date.  so guys listen to what we girls call total turn offs. 

Don't tell me your "one in a million catch" and I'd better take advantage while I have the opportunity.  I am one in a billion catch and I am not going to allow anyone to rush me to the alter.

Please don't tell me how good you are in bed.  We girls know if a guy is bragging, it's probably because he doesn't have a clue how to satisfy us.  When we hear how much you love performing oral sex, we actually know that is a sign that your not well endowed.  In other words, keep some things a mystery.  We actually like to open the package if we are interested in taking the relationship that far.  The mystery is part of the enticement.

Don't tell us right off what your net worth is.  I am more interested in getting to know you as a person not what's inside your wallet. I want to see what kind of father you are, how spirituality
fits in your life and how you treat the people around  you.  So save your "I am a great catch because I can buy you anything". Buying me things does not interest me as much as being able to actually to enjoy spending time with you and finding substance there as a person.

Do not start sending naked photos of yourself every morning after we've had one date.  I am more interested in dating someone that is totally compatible in most aspects of my life.  I am not looking for a porn star.  These photos are so tacky and demeaning to me.  What makes you think I want to see your package every morning when I first wake up?

Do not lie to me or make excuses for bad behavior.  If you can't be honest with me about simple things then how can I believe your going to be trustworthy for the big parts of a relationship? When I find out you've lied to me about something simple, then I know I cannot count on you to be in an honest, adult relationship with me.

His Talk

I do want to get to know you better but I'm not shallow Hal.  I would like to be attracted to you as well so here goes a few of my deal breakers.

If you want to dwell on your ex all through the dinner and you cuss worse than I do, then it's not going to go well.

If you can bust up a line at the local buffet and eat more than I do, I am going to be very concern.

If your underwear can fit over an outboard motor, I am going to have to move on.

I am not into the drama and arguing scene either.  If this is your style, I am not going to be into you.  There has to be some attraction and chemistry. This does not mean I can pick up your scent trail when I enter your home.  You must look and act like a lady.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Girl Talk: Girlfriends, can you trust they won't reveal what ...

Girl Talk: Girlfriends, can you trust they won't reveal what ...: Tweet You go out with your girlfriends on a scheduled night on the town. We all behave to a point. I mean we don't pick up men, we do fl...

Girlfriends, can you trust they won't reveal what happens on Girls night out?

You go out with your girlfriends on a scheduled night on the town.  We all behave to a point.  I mean we don't pick up men, we do flirt and talk trash but basically we keep our morals in tact.  So my question today is do you have girlfriends that you can trust?  I have a really close new friend that I hang with a few times a week.  When we go out, we have the greatest time. We in fact laugh so hard, I thought last time that I had broken a rib.  I know that anything we get into will remain confidential and close to the heart.  She will defend me when my "glazed over" look and zoned out personality surfaces.  She will call to make apologies on my behalf. I will fight to the bitter end for her defense.  We are two peas in a pod, even sharing the big taboo of putting ketchup on our steaks.  So today I ask you guys and girls,  do you have friends that will keep your nights out private?  If you don't. you need to check your friends and leave them at the door.  I look forward to a girls beach trip coming up.  We will share the bottle, lay in the sun, eat things that are bad for us and talk trash.  Nothing is more fun that hanging out with the girls.  Here's to girlfriends and guy friends that have our backs.  Let's celebrate friendships today.



Monday, March 5, 2012

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Girl Talk: OVERWHELMING??? AM I THAT SEXUALLY AGRESSIVE??: Tweet A friend of mine said to me that I was overwhelming when it came to my sexual libido. Of course knowing how I think, I immediately...


Girl Talk: OVERWHELMING??? AM I THAT SEXUALLY AGRESSIVE??: Tweet A friend of mine said to me that I was overwhelming when it came to my sexual libido. Of course knowing how I think, I immediately...


A friend of mine said to me that I was overwhelming when it came to my sexual libido.  Of course knowing how I think, I immediately went into my mode of self doubt. I thought about how I am perceived as a woman. I am not your average girl that is all fluff and feminine.  I have a tendency to be a bit like a grown up tomboy. I do like a very aggressive sexual relationship that has all the perks to go along with it.  However, what I most want and enjoy is a relationship built around all aspects.  I want intimacy, trust, love, affection and a best friend. I want to find that person that loves me as much as I do him. I want to have total trust that he will not cheat. How great will life  be when I do find the guy that will fish, swim, cook, dance and play football in the backyard with me?  That's what we women really want.  We want a best friend that will protect us, love us and be there until the end.  We want someone that will sip mint juleps and tell our grandchildren funny stories on our front porch during their summer visits. Or shall I say, that's what most excites me.  Of course, when you meet that person, the sex becomes so much more. You begin to have this most incredible intimacy and affection that is indescribable.  I want to find the person who is connected to me in all ways.  I want my perfect guy that is full of flaws.  I am looking for my perfect partner.  Maybe I am overwhelming but I can live with that.  I like that I have excitement and energy to give to the right one.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Girl Talk: Happy New Year to you!!! Those words are importan...

Girl Talk: Happy New Year to you!!! Those words are importan...: Tweet Okay so we have just started the year 2012. I have to tell you , for my friends and family to call or text to say Happy New Year i...

Girl Talk: Happy New Year to you!!! Those words are importan...

Girl Talk: Happy New Year to you!!! Those words are importan...: Tweet Okay so we have just started the year 2012. I have to tell you , for my friends and family to call or text to say Happy New Year i...

Happy New Year to you!!! Those words are important to say to any friends you have!!!

Okay so we have just started the year 2012.   I have to tell you , for my friends and family to call or text to say Happy New Year is very important to me.  This phrase shows you care enough to take the time to wish best wishes to a person who is important to you in your everyday life.  All of my friends and family except one person, text me, called me or emailed me with great cheer and a send off from 2011 to 2012.  I am so thankful for the great people in my life who actually do care about what happens to me and what my future holds.  So thank you to each and everyone of you.  I also think having someone special to kiss at midnight is extremely important as well.  I have decided if you have someone in your life that you should be sharing that moment with but you do not, then this isn't a friendship or relationship you need to be in.  Run away from it right now.  Life is too short not to share those special times and memories.  Find someone that cares enough to take the time to let you know your important to them. 

Secondly,  I have opportunities in my life that are pretty substantial and fruitful coming my way for 2012.  I am so excited and cannot wait to see it all unfold.  I am a person that likes to share what is going on with me and my life with my closest friends and family.  Unfortunately my enthusiasm and high level of energy has been mistaken for arrogance and pride.  I am so sorry to have made anyone feel that way if I truly am treating people in that way.  I do believe I have a friend that I shared a majority with, he has so much insecurity and jealously, I am being painted as this crazy acting person.  If I have treated anyone this way, please forgive me.  My personality is to rejoice in my success and to share my dreams as they unfold.
I also have decided to take control of my future and my choices of people that I allow to experience this amazing year. I will no longer allow people to make me feel ashamed by my creativity.  I have lived a very tough, yet amazing life.  I write about those experiences with great humor, however during my time of living through the ordeal, the pain was so intense, I cannot believe I made it through.  I left with scars that I am turning into beauty marks.  The pain has made me who I am.  I will no apologize for my success.  No I am so far from perfect, I cannot even be put into the same sentence with most people. I am flawed beyond repair. I am trying to live my life and make something positive from a terrible past.  I didn't love myself for a long time.  I have worked really hard to allow myself to feel as though I am worthy of being loved.  In the past few weeks, I am constantly reminded that I am not good enough.  I was starting to believe it yet again.  You can tell as my weight went up instead of down.  After much soul searching over the past couple of days, I know I am worthy and I take back my power.  You have no control over my feelings.  I have a lot going on with my life.  My children are amazing and we are so happy when we are together. I will conquer my weight this year.  I have much more to celebrate than to be sad about.  I am a good person and I look forward to meeting people this year that will see me for the love I give off.  I will no longer sit at home and wallow in self pity wondering why I am not good enough.  I am going to live my life and surround myself with people who support me and not feel inferior. 

For you who feels this way. I am so sorry if I was the cause of your feeling that you were not up to my "being so perfect".  I actually held you up on a pedestal. You were worthy of being allowed total access to anything I had and to my children.  I thought you knew how important you were to me for this to happen.  I am sorry for the way things ended.  I only wanted the best for you and your family.  I do believe you a truly special person and I do hope your life is amazing and you find the perfect person for you.  I just do not wish to have 2012 be full of arguments and put downs as I want to have positive things happen in both our lives.

So on this note, I end with Happy New Year and best wishes for each and everyone of you.  I am excited and will share news with you all as I get it.  Thanks again for your support and following my blog.  I am so excited for you all to read "Not Small Enough". 
