Sunday, March 25, 2012

Top five deal breakers for a dating!!!!!!

 I really hate the dating scene and am just amazed at how stupid and childish men tend to act when dating.  I've had a lot more bad dates than good first dates.  As you all know my rules,  I rarely make it to a second date. Call me picky or just tacky but I do have high expectations for a simple first date.  so guys listen to what we girls call total turn offs. 

Don't tell me your "one in a million catch" and I'd better take advantage while I have the opportunity.  I am one in a billion catch and I am not going to allow anyone to rush me to the alter.

Please don't tell me how good you are in bed.  We girls know if a guy is bragging, it's probably because he doesn't have a clue how to satisfy us.  When we hear how much you love performing oral sex, we actually know that is a sign that your not well endowed.  In other words, keep some things a mystery.  We actually like to open the package if we are interested in taking the relationship that far.  The mystery is part of the enticement.

Don't tell us right off what your net worth is.  I am more interested in getting to know you as a person not what's inside your wallet. I want to see what kind of father you are, how spirituality
fits in your life and how you treat the people around  you.  So save your "I am a great catch because I can buy you anything". Buying me things does not interest me as much as being able to actually to enjoy spending time with you and finding substance there as a person.

Do not start sending naked photos of yourself every morning after we've had one date.  I am more interested in dating someone that is totally compatible in most aspects of my life.  I am not looking for a porn star.  These photos are so tacky and demeaning to me.  What makes you think I want to see your package every morning when I first wake up?

Do not lie to me or make excuses for bad behavior.  If you can't be honest with me about simple things then how can I believe your going to be trustworthy for the big parts of a relationship? When I find out you've lied to me about something simple, then I know I cannot count on you to be in an honest, adult relationship with me.

His Talk

I do want to get to know you better but I'm not shallow Hal.  I would like to be attracted to you as well so here goes a few of my deal breakers.

If you want to dwell on your ex all through the dinner and you cuss worse than I do, then it's not going to go well.

If you can bust up a line at the local buffet and eat more than I do, I am going to be very concern.

If your underwear can fit over an outboard motor, I am going to have to move on.

I am not into the drama and arguing scene either.  If this is your style, I am not going to be into you.  There has to be some attraction and chemistry. This does not mean I can pick up your scent trail when I enter your home.  You must look and act like a lady.