Monday, November 14, 2011

Women in the Kitchen all the time???? Not Hardly......

Men expect us to stay in the kitchen cooking, especially during the Holiday's.  Why can't you all share in the responsibilities.  I mean, come on guys, I am an old fashioned yet modern girl.  I want to watch football, the Macy's parade and relax.  If I am the only one cooking, how is that fair?  You expect us to cook, clean, and be ready for sex at anytime.  Women now work long hours and often bring in as much if not more money than you men. We want to have some down time as well.  I mean come on, can't you help us at least some of the time.  If you offered to help us in anyway, we would be so grateful, the sex would be amazing afterwards.  So let us all be thankful for God, each other, our families and all the blessings God has poured over us.   Men, offer to pitch in this year,  the rewards will be immense!!!!   

I am so thankful to all my followers and to the people who are buying and enjoying my book.

Cheers!!!!! Girl Talk