Sunday, January 8, 2012


Girl Talk: OVERWHELMING??? AM I THAT SEXUALLY AGRESSIVE??: Tweet A friend of mine said to me that I was overwhelming when it came to my sexual libido. Of course knowing how I think, I immediately...


Girl Talk: OVERWHELMING??? AM I THAT SEXUALLY AGRESSIVE??: Tweet A friend of mine said to me that I was overwhelming when it came to my sexual libido. Of course knowing how I think, I immediately...


A friend of mine said to me that I was overwhelming when it came to my sexual libido.  Of course knowing how I think, I immediately went into my mode of self doubt. I thought about how I am perceived as a woman. I am not your average girl that is all fluff and feminine.  I have a tendency to be a bit like a grown up tomboy. I do like a very aggressive sexual relationship that has all the perks to go along with it.  However, what I most want and enjoy is a relationship built around all aspects.  I want intimacy, trust, love, affection and a best friend. I want to find that person that loves me as much as I do him. I want to have total trust that he will not cheat. How great will life  be when I do find the guy that will fish, swim, cook, dance and play football in the backyard with me?  That's what we women really want.  We want a best friend that will protect us, love us and be there until the end.  We want someone that will sip mint juleps and tell our grandchildren funny stories on our front porch during their summer visits. Or shall I say, that's what most excites me.  Of course, when you meet that person, the sex becomes so much more. You begin to have this most incredible intimacy and affection that is indescribable.  I want to find the person who is connected to me in all ways.  I want my perfect guy that is full of flaws.  I am looking for my perfect partner.  Maybe I am overwhelming but I can live with that.  I like that I have excitement and energy to give to the right one.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Girl Talk: Happy New Year to you!!! Those words are importan...

Girl Talk: Happy New Year to you!!! Those words are importan...: Tweet Okay so we have just started the year 2012. I have to tell you , for my friends and family to call or text to say Happy New Year i...

Girl Talk: Happy New Year to you!!! Those words are importan...

Girl Talk: Happy New Year to you!!! Those words are importan...: Tweet Okay so we have just started the year 2012. I have to tell you , for my friends and family to call or text to say Happy New Year i...

Happy New Year to you!!! Those words are important to say to any friends you have!!!

Okay so we have just started the year 2012.   I have to tell you , for my friends and family to call or text to say Happy New Year is very important to me.  This phrase shows you care enough to take the time to wish best wishes to a person who is important to you in your everyday life.  All of my friends and family except one person, text me, called me or emailed me with great cheer and a send off from 2011 to 2012.  I am so thankful for the great people in my life who actually do care about what happens to me and what my future holds.  So thank you to each and everyone of you.  I also think having someone special to kiss at midnight is extremely important as well.  I have decided if you have someone in your life that you should be sharing that moment with but you do not, then this isn't a friendship or relationship you need to be in.  Run away from it right now.  Life is too short not to share those special times and memories.  Find someone that cares enough to take the time to let you know your important to them. 

Secondly,  I have opportunities in my life that are pretty substantial and fruitful coming my way for 2012.  I am so excited and cannot wait to see it all unfold.  I am a person that likes to share what is going on with me and my life with my closest friends and family.  Unfortunately my enthusiasm and high level of energy has been mistaken for arrogance and pride.  I am so sorry to have made anyone feel that way if I truly am treating people in that way.  I do believe I have a friend that I shared a majority with, he has so much insecurity and jealously, I am being painted as this crazy acting person.  If I have treated anyone this way, please forgive me.  My personality is to rejoice in my success and to share my dreams as they unfold.
I also have decided to take control of my future and my choices of people that I allow to experience this amazing year. I will no longer allow people to make me feel ashamed by my creativity.  I have lived a very tough, yet amazing life.  I write about those experiences with great humor, however during my time of living through the ordeal, the pain was so intense, I cannot believe I made it through.  I left with scars that I am turning into beauty marks.  The pain has made me who I am.  I will no apologize for my success.  No I am so far from perfect, I cannot even be put into the same sentence with most people. I am flawed beyond repair. I am trying to live my life and make something positive from a terrible past.  I didn't love myself for a long time.  I have worked really hard to allow myself to feel as though I am worthy of being loved.  In the past few weeks, I am constantly reminded that I am not good enough.  I was starting to believe it yet again.  You can tell as my weight went up instead of down.  After much soul searching over the past couple of days, I know I am worthy and I take back my power.  You have no control over my feelings.  I have a lot going on with my life.  My children are amazing and we are so happy when we are together. I will conquer my weight this year.  I have much more to celebrate than to be sad about.  I am a good person and I look forward to meeting people this year that will see me for the love I give off.  I will no longer sit at home and wallow in self pity wondering why I am not good enough.  I am going to live my life and surround myself with people who support me and not feel inferior. 

For you who feels this way. I am so sorry if I was the cause of your feeling that you were not up to my "being so perfect".  I actually held you up on a pedestal. You were worthy of being allowed total access to anything I had and to my children.  I thought you knew how important you were to me for this to happen.  I am sorry for the way things ended.  I only wanted the best for you and your family.  I do believe you a truly special person and I do hope your life is amazing and you find the perfect person for you.  I just do not wish to have 2012 be full of arguments and put downs as I want to have positive things happen in both our lives.

So on this note, I end with Happy New Year and best wishes for each and everyone of you.  I am excited and will share news with you all as I get it.  Thanks again for your support and following my blog.  I am so excited for you all to read "Not Small Enough". 
