Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Girl Talk: Losing sexual appetite after it a de...

Girl Talk: Losing sexual appetite after it a de...: Tweet I think it is a deal breaker. Women need sex, we need it for our bodies, for our mind and we certainly need the orgasmic release. ...

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Girl Talk: Smile!!!!! I feel so happy

Girl Talk: Smile!!!!! I feel so happy: Tweet I've met someone that I like alot, everyone please pre-order my book tomorrow. Books go on sale tomorrow for a pre-order. The fi...

Smile!!!!! I feel so happy

I've met someone that I like alot, everyone please pre-order my book tomorrow. Books go on sale tomorrow for a pre-order. The first 5000 will be autographed. Please buy!!!!! I'll be back tomorrow, date tonight!!!!!!!!

Why does the sex end when you get married????????

I feel the need to elaborate on last nights discussion. After futher consideration of all the facts, I must revisit my answer. If I am madly in love with my guy, I will stand by with ay health issues he might have. As long as we have communication about what's going on, I will be there for him. There are many other ways to have intimacy when Intercourse isn't possible because of health issues. We women love being touched, kissed and cuddled. A deal breaker is not the answer if I am crazy over the moon for my guy and he feels the same for me. I am loyal to a fault to whomever I am in love with. Yes I love sex better than most, however, I am also a realist and romantic. I won't leave him if he can't help a situation and I expect the same consideration.

Girl Talk: Losing sexual appetite after it a de...

Girl Talk: Losing sexual appetite after it a de...: Tweet I think it is a deal breaker. Women need sex, we need it for our bodies, for our mind and we certainly need the orgasmic release. ...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Losing sexual appetite after it a deal breaker???????

I think it is a deal breaker. Women need sex, we need it for our bodies, for our mind and we certainly need the orgasmic release. I personally want to be intimate with my partner. There is nothing better than a great intimate relationship. The only reason I could think of holding out and not giving my husband sex is because he was being an insensitive jerk. Even then, I really need my orgasms. If I were being emotionally or physically abused, I would not want to be having sex with my husband. I am at the age to let my spouse or dating partner know what I do like and what I don't like. I want to have the best sex and what better way to be frisky than to tell your partner what pleases you and what doesn't. If a woman is holding out, there is a reason for it. We women want and need Sex, Imtimacy and the cuddling after. Bring on the Orgasms baby!!!! The answer to your question, yes no sex is a deal breaker!!!!!!!! There is nothing better than hot sex in the elevator with your guy, standing up, hardly able to contain yourselves, pulling your skirt up, getting frisky, being intimate, being naughty. That's what we women want!!!!!!

He said:

We all know the same stuff tends to get old or familiar, but we are talking about sex and marriage here. We change our wardrobe, our cars and we remodel our homes, but we often do not make changes in our sex lives. We fell in love and married each other, we committed to spend our lives together, so why do we not invest in our sex lives like we invest in everything else. This doesn't mean we have to completely change our style, but it may mean we have to operate slightly our of our comfort zone to spice things up or break the routine. We need to fix our medical issues, get couseling or take a pill. Elimate the stress out of our lives. Trust and believe if the house is on fire and you don't call the fire department, the house will burn down. Don't let your sex life whither and die or your marriage may die alone with it. Yes losing sex after marriage is a deal breaker.

Girl Talk: Love Letters from..............a psychopath

Girl Talk: Love Letters from..............a psychopath: Tweet I was married for many years to a man who traveled alot. While he was traveling, he wrote me the most beautiful often sexual letters...

Love Letters from..............a psychopath

I was married for many years to a man who traveled alot. While he was traveling, he wrote me the most beautiful often sexual letters. During the ten years we were together, we never had sex once. He prefered a different taste so to speak. I was a size 8 at 5'8, that wasn't small enough for him. He needed me to be a size zero to be intimate with, or so he said. Well, I was unpacking the other day and came across some of the letters he wrote to me. Many people have asked how I could have been so off key with his sexuality. I am going to reveal just how he got me to believe he was into me. So here goes, enjoy. I did for a while, the letters now make me sick to my stomach.

Love is a word used so often, about so many things, and yet real love remains a mystery. If someone asked me how I love you, a thousand thoughts would rush through my are kind and thoughtful, giving and understanding, and so very much more.....yet words will never capture how beautiful your spirit is, how compassionate your heart is, so when I tell you I love you, it's my simple way of saying that it makes me happy beyond words to be sharing the mystery of love with you.....

then he write,

Hey my sweet baby, well this week is a much better one. The news from you is so exciting. Your calls, I want you so much baby. I know last week was tough honey, but I pray daily that he gives you the strength of spirit and blesses you. I know how strong you are when you put your mind into it, so I know with the Lords and my love, we can get through anything. You are absolutely the best most loving person I know. I can't wait to get home and make made passionate love to you. I dream and think about you constantly, but you know its not always about sex, its often about everyday things. You are such a big part of my life. As long as we love each other and communicate, we'll be able to deal with the conflicts that come up. I don't want to ever fight but I know things will come up. Hopefully we can talk calmly with each other always showing respect. I want to spend as much time together as we can with each other, to learn each other, I want to marry you, but not because of lust. Because we are truly matched and want to be together, do you understand honey. I want to know you and be comfortable with you in the physical sense. I want to make sure we fit on an everyday basis. I know our love making will be fantastic. Ok sweet love, I will only marry once in my life and I have to know its right, I love you and we will both know when to make it happen. I truly look forward to it. I miss you, I want you, I love you!!!

Well friends, please tell me what you think. Would you have fallen for the lies as I did, or would you have seen through the "getting to know each other better"

Monday, October 3, 2011


Girl Talk: Girl Talk: YOU MIGHT BE A BILLIONAIRE AND I MIGHT ...: Girl Talk: YOU MIGHT BE A BILLIONAIRE AND I MIGHT DATE YOU IF... : You lose the Gucci loafers You stop trying to hit on waitresses when w...

Girl Talk: twiddle dee twiddle dumb, this friendship is makin...

Girl Talk: twiddle dee twiddle dumb, this friendship is makin...: I've given you knowledge to grow yourself into a successful person I've given you freedom to be secure in your finances I've given you a C...

twiddle dee twiddle dumb, this friendship is making me numb

I've given you knowledge to grow yourself into a successful person
I've given you freedom to be secure in your finances
I've given you a Career path to enlarge and Capatilize on
I've given you a sense of relief
I've given you time
I've given you unconditional respect
I've given you the choice to be you in anyway, shape or form
I've given you a boost to your self esteem
I've given you what you've wanted second to more time with your children
I've given you understanding

When I asked for you to show me a certain Lake the other day, you made yourself very clear with your answer......"I'll show you how to get there but you don't need me to take you, it's only two turns"

So to you I say when you need something from me, I"ll show you where to go, but I won't be there to help you get it.

I haven't required much from this friendship but you have proved, it hasn't been a friendship at all, only an opportunity!!! This Sweetpea makes me numb!!!!!!!