Saturday, November 12, 2011

WE GIRLS WANT IT ALL......will run quickly if necessary

We girls want the storybook ending.  We want the attentive guy who is great with our kids, loves spending time with us, is passionate, loving and outgoing.  We want to please, pamper, and spend our time just being happy with this person.  I myself want to share everything and include in all parts of my family and career.  However, when we sense we're going to get hurt,  what do we do, or shall I say what I do,  run, run, as fast as you can.  You turn to someone else for a temporary easement.  Of course you eventually run from that relationship too as your really in love with the other person.  It's like a hamster on a spinning wheel, you just keep spinning and hope one day the craziness will stop.  I have someone that wants to marry me.  I am not in love with that person even though I am extremely attracted to him.  He isn't the guy for me.  He would be easy to be with except he travels 10 months out of the year. This is our second series of dating each other and of course it is me that will hurt him again. At least this time will be sooner rather than later.  I just want to find that person that feels the same way I do about them, a simple person that will be here every night.  I am stepping off the treadmill of dating,  I am going to stop running and just try to enjoy being single for a while.  I really have been single for 11 years as you all know about my last relationship, however this time I am going to discover who I really am.  I want to hike my property, ride a horse, keep writing, plant herbs, wade in the creek and paint.  I want to embrace my kids with all that I have within me.  I want to watch them become adults and help guide them through this unfair life.  I want to love me even though I am "out there".  So girls, I am off the dating treadmill.  If someone comes along that I want to go out with, I will, however, I am not going to actively look for "him".  Does the storybook ending really ever happen?