Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Angry at Bedtime......Are you Serious??????

She said:

I detest going to bed angry with my partner. I like cuddling and sleeping too much to be mad when I retire for the evening. I say we settle our differences before the bewitching hour. Why not go ahead and get it all out, get over the argument and move on. I myself am a lover not a fighter. When you fall asleep and words are left unspoken, forgiveness hasn't been created and you both are in an irate mood, a wall between the two of you goes up and the next day starts off in a terrible way. Get it all out, apologize, and love each other. Life would be much happier for all couples.

He Said:

We've all done it, we'll add do it again but why do this? It's not any different than drinking or driving. The punishment maybe different but the results can be the same. This could destroy your life. Unresolved arguments are usually more painful to one person more so than the other. Like an untreated wound, this could fester and spread the infection deeper into the relationship. Issues that are serious enough to fight about must be dealt with at some point so the tension can be relieved. There maybe loose ends to wrap up and a final resolution maybe not be reached, however, you must end the evening on a more amicable note. Allowing your partner to go to sleep mad or upset, may cause them to become physically sick, stressed to the point of doing something irrational or even causing them to have an accident. Remember stress affects people differently and what may be of no consequence to one partner could be absolutely crippling to the other.

Now is the time to deal with the issue and come to happy medium. Think enough of your partner to give them peace. Love and embrace your partner and do not allow them to go to bed upset.

Think about partner!!! Just Think!!!