Thursday, August 25, 2011

I'd rather kiss a jackass than go through a break up

It is so very hard to go through a break up of a relationship whether it be marriage or just a partner.  Why do we make things so complicated.  You just want to be free to move forward and start your new life, however egos get in the way of life's new starts.   Here's what I want to say to HIM, the ex. 

I just want to never think about you again

I just want to stop crying over the mental anguish I suffered

I just want to be through with this relationship

I just want to feel like I am worth something, as you still tell me I am not.

I just want you to know that I am not interested in your life anymore

I just want you to know the Russian girl you ordered  isn't going to be any better than I was

I just want to be able to date without playing my breakup cd before going out with someone new

I just want to be able to trust again

I just want to be able to eat without feeling guilty because so many times you took the fork out of my mouth

I just want to be able to know you never really loved me

I just want to be able to know, it wasn't my being a size 8 that was too big, it was your small brain

I just want to be able to look at myself in the mirror and see a positive instead of a negative

I just want to be able to move on

I just want to be able to be free without any restrictions from you

If I could kiss a jackass and make this relationship to have never existed than to relive the past everyday, I would do it.